Not Again

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I wake up from a bad nightmare and I feel a weird sensation.
My hair is wet with something sticky.
Something is tingling then I realise my dad's on top of me.
I cry
"Take it baby! I've waited for this moment forever."
I realise that the liquid in my hair and on my mouth is his cum.
I quickly wipe off the cum from my mouth
He doesn't have a condom on and I'm so shocked
I just lie there for a second
Jane's nowhere to be seen.
I shake my head rapidly as he punches me.
I cry
"This isn't real?!"
"No I'm here in the flesh baby"
I try to push him off but he just keeps raping me.
I scream and Jane comes running
"What- what the fuck?!"
She instantly holds him and yanks him out of me.
She gags once she realises that he's raped me since there's blood on my sheets
My nose is bleeding and down there is too.
"You sick pervert."
She drags him out of the room into the arms of a couple of officers
I hear him yell
"Don't listen to him baby."
I put my knees up to my chest which causes more pain so I put them down.
Jane files a report and the doctors want to examine me
I refuse.
I take the pill and I get injections but I inject myself because I don't want anyone to touch me.
I stop the nose bleed myself and I watch as the bruises start to form everywhere
"He- he found me!"
I sob as I try to do up my hospital gown again.
"Sh sh"
She tries to take me into her arms but I shake my head rapidly
"Okay okay I won't hold you. You're safe baby"
I shake my head
"He just proved that I'm never ever safe!"
She doesn't know how to respond
I turn away from her and I just sob.
I grab the blanket and I put it over myself
I slowly remove my hospital gown
I put my hospital gown and my underwear into a evidence bag then I throw it on the floor towards Jane.
She bends to pick it up
I'm still shaking
She grabs me a dressing gown that Sandy has in her office
She goes to hand it to me but I shake my head
She takes a couple of steps back and throws it onto the bed
"Turn around!"
I cry.
She nods as she closes the door.
She stares at the door after closing the curtains.
I cry in pain as I pull the dressing gown around me.
Everything hurts so badly
"Can I turn around now baby?"
"Yes you can"
She turns around slowly.
She sits back down.
"Do you want to try to sleep baby?"
I shake my head rapidly.
"Baby if you sleep, it doesn't mean that he's gonna come back and do it. I'll be here"
"You- you weren't there?!"
"I'm sorry baby, I was gonna go get coffee."
"Yeah well how'd that work out for us"
I say sarcastically.
"I'm never leaving you again"
I nod rapidly
"Are you gonna go to sleep baby?"
"M-maybe? I'm gonna have a shower tomorrow because I just can't right now"
She nods.
The bits of cum are still in my hair but I don't care.
"I'll be right here baby"
"Thanks h-honey"
I smile slightly.
I lie down and I attempt to sleep.
It take ages but eventually I doze off.

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