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Lucky and I head to a different railroad track after I had faked sick to get out of school.
He told the teacher that he's gonna take me home but fuck that.
We kiss each other passionately
I smile as we hold hands.
I quickly pull a cigarette from my bag and I light it.
Lucky lights his off of mine.
"Why don't you stay the night at mine? My parents are gone for a couple of nights and I know that your dad definitely wants to have you tonight"
"Yes please"
He grins.
"We can watch a movie and make out"
"I'd love that"
We talk and walk.
I tell him about the rapes that's been happening.
I smile as he comforts me and tells me that it's not my fault
We walk to his house instead of going onto the beach.
"You have a lovely home"
I say as we step inside.
He takes my coat for me and I kick off my shoes.
I turn off my phone so my dad can't track me.
We start to make dinner and I drop a plate.
"I- I'm so sorry! Please don't- hurt me!"
I scream.
"Sh sh baby. I won't hurt you"
He quickly lifts me up
"Let's make sure you don't get a injury from the glass baby"
He sits me down on the couch.
"I- I can clean it"
"No honey, not in your bare feet"
"But- but I deserve to feel the pain! You don't!"
"Baby no. Don't talk like that."
"It's true"
He shakes his head.
He hurries off and he cleans it up.
He makes me dinner as I sit at the kitchen table
He places the spaghetti Bol onto my plate and I struggle to eat it.
I head to the upstairs bathroom and I make myself sick.
I hurry back down and I act like nothing happened
I cuddle up to him and we watch a scary movie.
He offers me some of his popcorn but I refuse.
I stare at the movie trying to focus but I can't.
I keep tapping my foot off the floor.
I kiss him to distract myself then I get on top of him.
I unbuckled his pants quickly as he smiles.
He unbuckles my jeans.
I start to thrust and I enjoy myself.
I cum.
I kiss him passionately as he fondles me.
He grins.
He pulls out and then he cums onto my stomach.
I smile as I wipe it off
I get into my pyjamas in the living room and he grins.
I get back to cuddling with him
We go to bed soon after.
I wake up and I am frantic.
I cry as lucky wakes up
"My dad is searching for me, I just know it! I have to go, I'm sorry!"
I quickly pull on my clothes and I leave without uttering a second word.
My bag rests on my shoulders as I run fast.
I make it home and I'm breathless
"Where the fuck have you been?! You were out all night you bitch!"
"I-I went to a friends house"
"I know that you don't have any of them so where were you. Don't lie because I'm already going to punish you"
"I- I went to Lucky's house"
"How dare you!"
He grabs me and he flings me up the stairs.
I smash into the wall hard.
"I just wanted a night of fun! A night that I was free from you!"
"Oh you're getting it now!"
"No I'm so sorry! Please?!"
He drags me into his room.
He quickly ties me to the bed.
He grabs a condom.
I squeal and squirm as he roughly puts it inside me.
He aggressively thrusts into me.
He violently cums and I am sick to my stomachs
He spins me around and he rapes me anally.
I can barely move as he finishes.
He grabs the paddle.
"Stay still darling!"
He whacks me super hard.
I scream as I bit down on the pillow.
I wriggle slightly
"Oops you moved baby. I'll give you several more spankings!"
He continues as I scream and cry.
He eventually stops and I sob.
My ass hurts so bad against the silk sheets.
I fiddle with the handcuffs as he stares at me.
He puts the paddle away in his special drawer
I breathe with relief
I cry as I stare blankly at him.
"Why do you do this to me?"
I question.
"I do it because it's a manly urge from within and I love you baby. You're daddy's little girl"
Tears fall quicker after hearing his sick explanation.
"Can't you- express your love some other way sometimes? Like um- taking me places like a road trip?"
"I could. I can take you on one today if you'd like?"
"Y-yes please"
"Okay baby go get your bags packed. We'll be staying for a couple of weeks since it's the holidays now"
He tells me as he takes the handcuffs off.
I nod as I stand up
I feel dizzy but it goes away.
I hurry off.
I pack my bags and a suitcase.
I lift them into the car with a great struggle.
I sit down and I put a blanket into my lap.
I yawn.
I quickly grab my water bottle that's filled with vodka and I take a sip.
I don't have a reaction since I'm used to it.
My dad gets into the car
"Now you better behave yourself sweetie or else I will pull this car over and punish you"
I respond as I nod my head.
He locks the doors.
"Do you think that I can have my phone for the car ride? Please- I just wanna listen to some music"
"Nope you've been bad so you're not allowed it"
He turns on the radio and I get to choose the station.
I choose the music one.
I smile slightly.
I sway slightly to the music and my dad bops his head slightly.
I smile knowing that we're getting on okay right now.
I look at the sun which is arising.
I check what time it is and it's 5:38
We pull up at a gas station around 6:30
I use the bathroom and I buy myself a sugar free drink.
I drink it and then my dad slaps me because I didn't get him anything.
I wake up crying
Jane is sleeping and I don't want to bother her so I focus on my breathing and I pick at the hair tie on my wrist
"Where'd you learn that honey?"
She questions suddenly as she points to the hair tie
"You're finding new coping mechanisms and that's very good baby. I'm so proud of you"
"Thanks honey"
"I wanna go back to sleep"
I exclaim
"Okay love you baby"
She yawns
"Love you more"
I cuddle up next to her and I fall asleep next to her.

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