Enchanted | Prologue

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"Goodbye, my dear." Her Mother's voice speaks.

"Vinda Rosier, Gellert Grindelwald, are you sure about this decision?"

"Yes." A broad hard voice speaks.

"Very well."

"You will be safe with us, little one." Christina Nott speaks, booping the nose of the tiny red haired baby.

"She will rise to power one day, our daughter, she will be the leader of all, she will revenge us." The voice of Grindelwald spoke, looking into her pretty blue eyes like her Father, and the beautiful red locks of her Mother.


Evangeline (Evelyn) Rosalie Nott was born on November 1st, 1980.

She didn't remember her childhood past, she was born into the family of Christina and Tiberius Nott.

After their Mother, a pure blood witch, passed away in her sleep, their Father became a alcoholic.

Carrying the weight of two toddlers on his shoulders, the Father, Tiberius Nott, who eventually couldn't stand looking Evelyn in the face, for an odd reason. She was the told she was the constant reason for her Mother's death.

Their Father became a alcoholic and abusive towards the siblings, and things went to dirt one night.

A typical Wednesday night, the siblings were eleven and twelve. And Theodore couldn't take the constant abuse from his Father anymore.

During his Father's sleep, at a young age Theodore had made it look like his Father fell asleep with a cigarette lit, starting a huge fire throughout their home.

He went to wake his sister and they evacuated the home quickly, watching their family home burn down.

Little did Evelyn know, her brother was the one who had murdered their Father.

That was one of the reasons Evelyn was sorted into Gryffindor and Theodore was in Slytherin.

FLASHBACK | Wednesday, 1991


I couldn't do it anymore. I was hurt and scarred,  what did we do to deserve this? Are we the real reason Mother had died?

I had intrusive thoughts for months about what it would be like without Father in Evelyn and I's life.

I didn't know how Evelyn constantly dealt with the abuse. The torture and the screams that came from her mouth were terrifying.

But she still loved him no matter what. And I always wondered why.

Evelyn got the worst of it all. She was Father's number one reminder of our Mother, he never told us why, and it was suspicious to me because they didn't look alike at all.

It was a normal day, Evelyn and I worked outside in the garden. And when we came inside for dinner, things were bad.

Evelyn dropped a glass and it shattered all over the floor and it nicked Father, making him bleed.

He retaliated and Evelyn was covered in bruises and blood, she cried and screamed and I couldn't help. When I fought back he would throw me to the floor. I wasn't strong enough to save my sister.

She hated the way he screamed her name, Evangeline. She hated her name so much because of Father that her and I came up with a nickname that she would only be called by from now on.


No one else knew her real name besides Father and I, we kept it a secret and she went by Evelyn ever since then.

But I couldn't take it anymore.

Father finally fell asleep on the couch with bottles of beer all around him.

I looked at him, how could he treat us like he does? After everything we have tried to please him, I never understood why we didn't deserve his love.

I found one of his cigarettes and stole his lighter, lighting it and thinking of what I was doing.

Was I really going to go through this?

Murder my own Father?

I think about the pain he had caused Evelyn and didn't think twice after that, I threw the cigarette on the floor and waited.

When the fire grew I ran into Evelyn's room, shaking her awake and pretending to worry.

We evacuated and she cried and mourned over his death as we watched our family home burn down to the ground.

I didn't blink once.


Evelyn and I were put into a orphanage and eventually visited by one who was named Sir Albus Dumbledore.

Figuring out we could do different and weird things, we were enrolled into a school for magic.

We didn't believe it, until we saw it with our own eyes.

We were kept in the school and we stayed together.

I was sorted into the Slytherin house, while Evelyn was put into Gryffindor.

She didn't know why I was put into a different house. But I never told her that I murdered our Father, I never spoke a word about him after that.

I couldn't bring myself to it, I just wanted to protect her. She's my sister, I have to.


I try not to remember things from my past. It was hard and I only had my brother Theodore.

It has always been just him and I since we were eleven, we didn't have the love other kids grew up with.

Til this day I still have nightmares about Father's death, even though I didn't know what fully happened.

Theodore told me he must've fallen asleep with a lit cigarette, and it didn't surprise me.

After everything I mourned him. He hated me so much and I couldn't not cry when I saw him die in the fire.

We were put into an orphanage together and then soon enrolled to a school for magic when we were spotted doing things no other child should be able to.

Hogwarts became our home.

One thing I never understood was how Theodore was sorted into Slytherin, I always thought he had a heart of Gold.

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