15 | Late Nights

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warning ; violence (not toooo extreme)

"I seriously need a place to study. I can't do this with so many loud people around." I run my fingers through my hair with frustration.

"Study in your dorm or the library." Theodore suggested, "I can't. Maggie was in there with her group for a class project, and the library is too crowded now."

"How is she by the way?" He asked.

"She's fine, why?"

"Just asking, and just because you decided to lift the threshold of you not allowing me to date our friends doesn't mean I'm lifting mine." He grins.

"That's okay, I wasn't going to listen either way. But I'm not interested in your boyfriends." I respond.

"Back to studying. You could study at the Astronomy tower, it's quiet there anytime besides when a class is in session." He told me.

"That's actually a great idea, thanks."

"I'm on your good side, kudos to me." He smirked, "Gotta go, see you." He leaves the room in a bit of hurry.

It was late, and a class wasn't in session obviously, so maybe the astronomy tower could be a perfect place to finish my work and study for the charms test.

Deciding to check it out, I realize I didn't even have to use the lantern I brought, the light from the moon lit the astronomy tower right up.

I throw a blanket down on the wooden floor and sit down, setting up my work and study cards with a bunch of notes.

Someone could write a whole novel with the notes I had, maybe even two or three.

"There better be a good reason on why you're in my get drunk and high spot." A voice startled me, I turn my head to see the brunette leading on the railing at the top of the steps.

"So that's the reason you're always hiding up here?" I questioned.

"Like I've said before I'm not hiding." He answered.

"Okay well I'm here because I needed a quiet place to study, my dorm isn't the place for it right now and the library is weirdly crowded at the moment." I explain.

"Uh huh, it's almost past hours, so I'm sure that the crowded library won't be so crowded  anymore."  He grins sarcastically.

"Yeah but I was technically here first. You can gladly go to the library and do whatever it is you had to."

"Yes Nott, I'm going to go to the library that's closed after hours and sit in there and drink liquor until I can't stand and smoke until I can't think." He crossed his arms to his chest.

"Great. I'm glad we can agree on something."

I hear his footsteps closer, he leans down and snatches my books that I had laid on the ground.

"Hands off!" I stood up angrily, "You've gone to this school longer than me and you still don't know that the astronomy tower after hours is used for getting drunk and high or sex." He explained.

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