62 | The Marks He Left

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warning ; MATURE content ahead
don't worry it's not with lorenzo. it's with our bae

"Lorenzo?" I knocked on the door of his dorm, waiting for a response patiently.

The door then opens, I'm absolutely taken back by his shirtless self standing in front of me, he looked so good.

"Evelyn? Why are you here so late?" He furrowed his eyebrows, slightly confused on why I was at his dorm, if I was him I would be too.

Maggie talked me into coming to his dorm and take my mind off him other things before we left to find Evan Rosier, I didn't know if it would work, but I thought I'd give it a whirl.

"You don't have a girlfriend right?" I ask, before likely embarrassing myself, he'll probably pull away and kick me out.

"Uh, no... why?" He questioned suspiciously.

"Okay. Good!" I smile, he didn't get to respond as I stand on my tiptoes, grabbing his face in my hands and pressing my lips against his.

To my surprise, he did not kick me out neither pull away. He simply, kissed me back.

He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me in his room, shutting the door behind us and pressing me against it.

He pulls away for a second to look at me, "You're not expecting anything to happen between us after this right?"

I shake my head no.

"Okay. Good!" He smirked before attaching his lips back to mine, I let my hands run down his prominent abdomen, feeling his muscles.

We continue kissing for a few seconds, before his hands make their way to the back of my thighs, lifting me onto him.

My ankles hook around his hips, he carried me to his bed without breaking the kiss and laid me on it.

He was a good kisser, but Mattheo was a great kisser.

Stop thinking about him Evelyn! This was to get your mind off of him. Not to compare him to Lorenzo!

He takes his lips off of mine and moves them to my neck, sucking and kissing the sensitive skin, as I was about to stop him from leaving marks, I think about it for second, maybe I wanted Mattheo to see them...

Seriously Evelyn. Stop thinking about him.

My hands need at his hair, his hands work at the top of my shirt to get it off. But then, I suddenly panic.

What the hell am I doing right now? I don't want Lorenzo. I don't want this...

"Lorenzo—" I murmured but I didn't get to finish what I was going to say as he shushes me with his lips.

My shirt was now off, revealing the bra I was wearing. I need to stop this, now.

I tear my lips from his, "Lorenzo stop." I pushed him away and he looks at me confused.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" He asks, worry taking over his whole expression.

I sit up, "I'm fine... I just can't do this. I'm sorry."

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