03 | Brother Knows Best

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"Come sit," Draco pats the seat next to him, we were now in the Great Hall for dinner time, Ron's favorite part of the day.

"I'm not aloud... I have to get to my table, Hermione is waiting on me." I tell him.

"Who cares? The mudblood can wait." He spat and I shove his arm, "Draco don't call her that."

Crossing my arms to my chest, he knows I'm serious, "Okay whatever, I apologize." He said, very sarcastically.

I didn't mind Draco when he wasn't making fun of my friends or being a stuck up brat.

He was nice to me, we were surprisingly close, I was close with most of Theodore's friends.

"Hey Ev," Blaise sits across from Draco, and Draco was still trying to convince me to sit with them for a few minutes.

"You don't have your robe on, they won't be able to tell if you're a Gryffindor." Draco says.

"Are you kidding? She's as innocent as a fly of course you can tell she's a Gryffindor." Pansy chimes in.

"The more innocent the better. I can be the one to show you the side of—"

"That's my fucking sister you're talking about Malfoy," Theodore cuts Draco off mid sentence, and I have a small assumption of what he was going to say.

I glance over at Lorenzo who looked aggravated at Draco's words, Draco has always been flirty towards me, most of Theodore's friends were.

I think they just have natural flirty personalities.

Lorenzo then signals me to stand up and follow him, and I do, this will be interesting.

He brings me out of the Great Hall, a private dark corner and he had his arms crossed to his chest, he looked extremely agitated with me.

"What the hell was that Evelyn?" He asked, he was fuming, jealousy doesn't look good on him.

"You know Draco he's just—"

"No I don't know. You're letting him flirt with you, why?" He cut me off.

"Lorenzo... nothing is going on with Draco." I try to tell him but he doesn't understand or he doesn't want to.

"Yeah? Him telling you that he can be the guy to show you the side of sex is nothing?" He angrily responds.

"You can't act like some jealous boyfriend when we aren't even together! You never asked me when we liked each other so it doesn't give you a right to be like this now." I finally had snapped at him.

"Let me show you how much I still like you," He whispered I gasp as he grabs ahold of me.

"Lorenzo I've always liked you, you know that, but I don't know right now, I can't." I shake my head no, he didn't like that answer.

He roughly lets me go, walking back to the Great Hall and his shoulder nudges me while doing so.

I immediately regret letting him leave, he was always kind and I knew I could trust him, but I didn't know how I felt right now.

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