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"Mattheo wait!" I call out for him, running after him but he didn't answer neither turn around.

"I'm sorry." I catch up to his fast pace, catching me off guard when he suddenly stops in his tracks.

"Don't be sorry for being you." He responds, I couldn't read his expression.

"You were right, I know I'm not like myself. I'm just really stressed right now, I don't know what's going on."

"Well you can figure it out by yourself." He responds coldly, clearly hurt by my words.

"Mattheo I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I go to touch his arm but he takes a step backwards.

"You didn't. All I want to be right now is alone, I don't need to hear your excuses Evelyn." He roughly spoke back, although I understand why he was hurt.

"I know what I said was hurtful, but I'm confused right now, and that isn't an excuse to treat you badly, but Mattheo I couldn't stand it anymore when Astoria had spread those things about me. I was so upset and you caught me in the heat of the moment, I didn't mean to let my anger out on you." I try to explain but he doesn't want to hear any part of it.

"Yeah? You were so upset about it because what she said about you was likely true. You find out you have an ability and suddenly your whole personality changes. You're not the Evelyn I fell in love with, you're becoming like Astoria, someone who thinks she's better than everyone else."

"Mattheo, that isn't fair and you know it. I was standing up for myself, and as far as I'm concerned you were glad that I was." My eyebrows furrow as I look at him in disbelief.

"I was, until you opened your fucking mouth." He snapped at me.

"So I did hurt your feelings, why didn't you just admit that?"

He forcefully and rather roughly takes ahold of my shoulder, purposely putting pressure. "How many times do I have to tell you?" He speaks with his teeth gritted together, "Pathetic little girls like yourself don't hurt my feelings."

The pressure on my shoulder starts to hurt, "Let go of me! You're hurting me." I look at him with a worried expression as his turned cold.

He does as I say, letting go harshly, my body jerking backward as he let go.

"I thought we were making progress. We trusted each other and were patient." My voice is quiet and weaker. No matter how powerful I was labeled, I always felt weak when I was with Mattheo.

He belittled me, he didn't care how powerful I was labeled either, as he was far more dangerous than I could ever be.

"I thought so too. People change when they learn they can do things." He refuses to make eye contact with me, I had a pit in my stomach from what could happen next.

"I haven't changed Mattheo. This could be a good thing, this could mean we can get rid of your Father once and for all, and you and I can really be together." I pry, but that only seemed to make him angrier and lash out at me.

"Someone as pathetic as you could never compare to my Father, nor get rid of him. As long as he's around we can never be together safely. That is why I'm taking initiative and ending this."

"No. You can't just do that! We're supposed to be in this together, you said you loved me." I could already feel the tears coming as my voice breaks.

"I can't love you Evelyn, I don't even love myself. I can't love, and I can't start unless my Father is dead." He spoke with no emotion, how could he have no reaction at all?

"So you lied to me? It was supposed to be you, I mean we could be team, it's supposed to be us Mattheo. I love you, please."

"There is no us. I can't allow myself to have feelings for you when my Father is waiting for a time to strike. If we belong together then I believe we will be brought back to one another, after my Father is no longer living." He explains but I can barely listen, my thoughts become fuzzy and hot tears were streaming down my face.

"Please don't leave me. I need you, you're the only one who has kept me sane through this whole thing with Grindelwald. Please Mattheo... I can't just stop loving you." I had grabbed ahold of his hand.

"You're going to have to do it on your own. You can't rely on me, I'm not going to be there for you." He says as he yanks his hand away from mine.

I wipe the tears from my face. "Fine, but don't expect me to wait for you. I'm done waiting, and I don't need someone who doesn't want to be with me in my life."

I didn't cry after that, he was slightly surprised as I could see the expression on his face. But he doesn't pry anything all he does is nod.

He takes a step forward, leaning closely and placing one gentle kiss on my forehead.

When he pulls away, we were awfully close. We had finally made eye contact, his hand comes up to cup my cheek but I refuse it by moving away. "Goodbye Mattheo." I turn away from him and leave him alone in the hallways.


"Is it done?" Theodore comes around the corner, as if he hadn't been listening in the entire time.

"Yes, your little plan succeeded."

"As I expected it to, you're a great actor Riddle... pretending to be angry that she started a little argument with Astoria almost made me laugh and blow my cover." He chuckled.

"Enough. It's time to talk about taking down my Father so I can be with Evelyn. I love her, and acting like I didn't was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." I push him away roughly.

"Boo Hoo, for my sister's sake, I hope you get taken down with him. You've caused her enough pain and as long as I'm around, I will do everything in my power to prevent the two of you together. I only had to pretend that I was okay with your relationship so my sister wouldn't suspect anything. But now, the blame is all on you."


HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, listen i know this is sad but more drama yayyyyyyyyyyyy

i hope you guys enjoyedddd xoxo gossip girl <3

was the gossip girl thing corny whoops

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