04 | Tryouts

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"Evelyn please open the door," Lorenzo's voice echoes through the door, I was glad that Hermione and Maggie weren't here to see this.

"Just go please." I tell him from inside of my dorm, but the continuous knocking doesn't stop.

"No I need to talk to you. Evelyn please." I can hear it in his voice that he is pleading.

I don't say anything else, but he didn't give up, using the Alohomora spell to unlock my door.

"I messed up, I know. Just hear me out okay?" He says and I shake my head no.

"I've been hearing you out! Every single day people tell me that you've been with other girls. I didn't believe them until I saw it for myself. How could you? You made me feel horrible for what Draco had said to me, for being friends with Cedric and I catch you doing this!" I yell at him.

"Don't you think I regret it? I feel like fucking shit for doing that to you, I only want you Evelyn." He takes my hand in his and his touch that once felt comforting now feels disgusting after seeing him touch someone else.

"Get off of me." I take my hand away from his, angrily turning my back on him.

"She was just a distraction, okay? You know that." He tried to explain.

"Is that what I am to you? A distraction? I was coming to your dorm today to apologize to you, for making it seem like I was leading you on. I was going to tell you that I felt something for you, and now that feeling I had for you is gone."

"Evelyn please." He looks at me with watery eyes, and for a moment I felt remorse.

"Lorenzo I want you to leave." I build up the strength to tell him.

And before he could fight my words, Theodore who had been standing by the doorway, steps into my dorm.

"You heard her, get out." He spoke.

"Theodore come on man, you know I didn't mean to hurt her." Lorenzo tried to pry his way out of ruining his friendship with my brother.

"I said get the hell out." He said, his tone was serious and Lorenzo didn't think twice before scurrying past Theodore.

Theodore shuts the door behind him, and I didn't feel like hearing the told-you-so lecture.

"I already know, you were right. You don't have to rub it in Theodore." I sighed, sitting down on my comfortable bed.

But he didn't say anything, he didn't even say I told you so like I'd think he would.

He sat down next to me, and gave me a gentle hug and I let my head rest on his shoulder.

"It'll be fine." He reassured me quietly.

I fell asleep quickly after Theodore left, Maggie and Hermione came back soon after they finished studying in the library.


I was exhausted the next day, but today was starting quidditch try outs, and I wanted to be there to support Theodore and Cedric.

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