86 | Over

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It's been a week since Mattheo and I have been broken up. I couldn't help but drown myself in schoolwork and other things to distract myself.

Including mess around with a certain someone, Lorenzo Berkshire, I was using him as a distraction, he didn't seem to mind it though.

I'm not sure if Mattheo knew I was messing around with Lorenzo or not, although I didn't care because I needed a way to get over Mattheo.

And I may or may not enjoyed myself with Lorenzo...


"Lorenzo you feel so good." I moaned out as he kissed down my stomach, his fingers working magic against my core.

He leans back up towards me, starting a make out as we both desperate claw at one another.

He rips his lips away from mine to leave kisses all over my neck, sucking and nipping at the skin.

"Lorenzo..." I whine out, my back slightly arching as his fingers were faster.

"Are you close?" He whispers in my ear, honestly it felt great but he could never make me finish.

"Yes." I lie, to give him the motivation to keep going.

I must have been a great actress to fake an orgasm.


"Are you and Mattheo back together?" Maggie asked, referring to the dark purple marks displaying on my neck.

"Lorenzo." I corrected, a few people looking up at me as I said that.

Maggie's jaw basically drops, "Ev I'm so proud!"

A certain someone overhead this, I make eye contact with Mattheo who was sitting with my brother and Blaise at the Slytherin table, which was very odd since they hated each other.

I immediately look away, "I'm going to head back to my dorm, I'll see you guys later."

As I leave and enter the hallways of the castle I hear footsteps behind me, I instantly whip around and was met by Mattheo's hand to my throat, forcing me back against the cold stone wall.

"Get the hell off of me." I demand, my hand on top of his that held my throat tightly.

"Lorenzo? Are you fucking kidding me?" His teeth were gritted as he spoke.

"What do you care? You broke up with me." I spat in his face, pissing him off more.

"Do I have to fuck you to your senses again? Remember last time you tried to make me jealous with Lorenzo, huh?"

"No. We're not together, you don't tell me what I can and can't do." I scoffed.

"Evelyn I swear I'll take you here. I'll fuck you right here and anyone who decides to walk through these halls can watch, I don't care."

My heart pounds in my chest, I wanted to fight him off but being around him and him talking to me like this made me crave him badly.

"Too bad you can't. I'm not yours anymore."

He didn't like that, forcefully making me walk with him, he finds the nearest room which happens to be an old empty classroom.

He shuts locks the door behind him while I protest the whole time, his hand meets my upper back and shoves me down and bends me over so my face met one of the desks and my ass was against his front.

His hand places on the back of my neck to keep me there, "You're always going to be mine."

"I'm not." I protest, he only chuckles.

"Yeah? And I'll ruin every other relationship you try to have. You are mine, I know it and so do you." He presses his erection against me and I bite my cheek to not let out a regretful moan.

"You broke up with me, why are you acting like this?"

He reaches up and grabs my throat, pulling me up from the desk so the entire backside of my body was against his frontside.

He turns me around so I faced him, backing me up and pinning my hips to the desk.

We're both silent. I look at him while slightly biting my bottom lip, he looks too fucking good.

Fuck it, maybe makeup sex will clear my mind.

I grab his face in my hands and smash my lips onto his, one week without his lips on mine was enough.

He kisses me back rougher and hungrier. We both wanted this, wanted each other.

His hands work at my shirt, unbuttoning it with one hand then tossing it to the floor.

His free hand was attached to my throat as he made the kiss deeper.

My hands move from his face to running down his chest and abdomen, slowly getting to the place where he needed most.

I palm him through his black jeans, making him slightly groan into the kiss.

He lifts my one leg, hooking it around his hip as he presses himself against me once again, driving me absolutely crazy.

He tears his lips away from mine, before whispering in my ear, "I want to fuck you."

"How badly?" I respond boldly, watching his eyes grow fuller of lust.

"So badly, I'll make you feel it for weeks, to where you can't walk."

"Yeah?" I grind against him with need, causing both of hands to go to my hips.

"Yeah." He answers, looking at me then my lips.

"Too bad that's Lorenzo's job." And with those words I push him away, reaching to the floor for my shirt.

"You're a fucking brat, you know that?" He scoffed, running his fingers through his hair.

"You broke up with me, this is all your fault, you shouldn't expect me just to give in to you because you want me back." I respond just as harsh.

"Lorenzo isn't the one for you." He tried to tell me, I shake my head at him.

"And you are? We're done Mattheo, I can be with whoever I please."

"You're just not affected by us breaking up?" He asked.

"I'm not going to sit around and be sad. I won't wait for you anymore, if you don't want to be with me then I'm going to find someone who does."

heyy mr ragerrrrrr
anyways... evelyn becoming a bop but it's okay love you all!!! hope u enjoyed

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