01 | First Look

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THE difference between people who like chocolate and don't like chocolate is that one of them is normal, and the other isn't.

"Three chocolate frogs please." I grin at the lady, handing her galleons.

"Three?! I don't know how you can eat all of that chocolate Evelyn." Maggie's eyes widen.

"Sweet tooth." I smirked.

Our compartment was always stuffed, we sat three by three, it was hard to move and a very uncomfortable ride to Hogwarts.

Including myself, it was Maggie, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Cedric.

I was in the middle between Cedric and Maggie, so I was crowded, we would bump elbows and knees constantly.

The train comes to a harsh stop causing me to lean forward, we stand up and throw on our robes and grab our belongings.

The beginning of sixth year was finally starting, summer was over, but that was okay, I loved being at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall meets us students at the entrance of the castle, we all crowd around one another listening for her directions.

It was the same tradition every year, we get sent to the Great Hall to hear Professor Dumbledore's speech about the new first years and then they get sorted, and then my favorite part dinner.

I glance at my brother, Theodore at the Slytherin table sitting with his friends.

Lorenzo Berkshire, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Adrian Pucey.

The only two I liked out of his friends were Lorenzo and Blaise, the rest were stuck up brats.

"A lot of new faces this year," Maggie speaks, Hermione agrees, I didn't think so, all the first years looked the same.

I don't even remember when I was a first year, time goes by too fast when I'm in Hogwarts, I never want the adventure to end.

"I heard that there were new sixth years," Hermione says, looking around.

"Well they aren't in Gryffindor." Ron chewed loudly on his food, we could barely make out what he was saying.

He was chowing down on a chicken wing, I couldn't believe he was still hungry after all the candy he had ate on the train.

But I can't judge, I ate three chocolate frogs in one sitting.

"No Ron. I'm being serious, there has been rumors Professor Dumbledore allowed the son of... you know who... in the school." Hermione gulped while glaring at Ron.

"But why would he do that?" Harry finally spoke.

"He believes that the son could be innocent, not all children take after their parents you know." Hermione tells us.

"I'm not sure it was the smartest idea to let the son of the most dangerous wizard in the world attend Hogwarts." Harry says insured.

"No one knows what he looks like, he hasn't shown his face yet, but a lot of people are terrified." Maggie joins in.

We were dismissed to our dorms, I shared a dorm with Maggie and Hermione every year.

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