45 | Christmas Break

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Christmas break. It was just what I needed. Time away from Hogwarts and certain people.

We've always stayed at Maggie's, her Mother was the most welcoming person I've met, but this time, Theodore and I were invited to stay with the Malfoy's. Great.

Of course it wasn't my choice, and Theodore wasn't fond of staying with his best friend rather his girlfriend, but he thought it would be rather rude to decline Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy's invitation.

Maggie didn't like it either. It would be her first Christmas break with the two of us while being in a relationship with my brother, she took the invitation out on Draco and begged him to ask his parents to cancel, it didn't happen.

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are known for throwing Christmas parties, and I did not want to spend my break being crowded around adults I didn't know.

And I especially hated the Malfoy Manor. It was humongous, dark, and cold.

"I don't mind Theodore because he's my best friend. But Evelyn the complainer is coming close to the cut." Draco groaned, ordering the house elf to take his plate from the table.

"Get up and take your own plate to the kitchen, lazy imbecile." I seethed.

"Fuck off." He responds, glaring at me from across the dinner table.

Draco's parents had greeted us when we first arrived, now I had no idea where they were off to.

"Where do we sleep?" I question, he had many guest rooms I just wasn't sure where with this humongous house taking up a lot of unnecessary space.

"Evelyn sleeps in my room. Theodore guest room." Draco smirked and I practically throw up in my mouth.

"Absolutely fuckin' not." Theodore spoke, glaring at Draco annoyed.

"Joking... two guest rooms are for the both of you at the end of the hall, just a few doors away from my room." He explained.

"Why does every single one of my friends want to get in my sisters pants? Fuck." He curses under his breath and my lips form into a straight line.

Good to know.

"She might be a know-it-all, but look at her! And she looks nothing like you so that's a plus." Draco winked.

"I'm going to kill you." Theodore slammed his fork down onto the table.

"I have bad news actually, for Evelyn." Draco's voice turns serious, I look at him with furrowed brows waiting for him to continue.

"My parents invited Riddle to the Christmas Eve party tomorrow night, and there's no stopping it." He reveals and I look at Theodore dumbfounded, but he didn't give a reaction.

Did Theodore already know this without telling me? It was a thought, but I didn't ask.

"It's late. I want to sleep." I clear my throat and stand from my chair, pushing it in and taking my own plate to the kitchen, unlike the lazy boys.

"Feel free to come to my room anytime." Draco yelled down the hall to me.

"Never in a million years!" I yell back, pushing the subject of the Christmas Eve party away.

"You're about to get punched in the face." I hear Theodore.

Draco shows Theodore and I to our dorms, the guest rooms looked the exactly the same, due to magic I'm sure.

Christmas was in two days. Theodore and I never celebrated Christmas and we agreed to never get each other anything because frankly, we always forget to do it anyways.

The bed in the guest room was surprisingly very comfortable and soft, allowing me to sink into it while resting my head on the chilled pillows.

Christmas Eve was tomorrow, and I wasn't ready to attend this irrelevant party, and I was more nervous that I would see Riddle. Why the hell would the Malfoy's invite him?

Lost in my thoughts, as usual, I eventually fall asleep... what an awful Christmas break this will be.


"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I hear Draco's voice, and then a pillow lands hits me two or three times before I start swatting back.

"Get away from me you idiot!" I sit up, watching Theodore also be apart of this.

"House elf has breakfast ready, get your ass up." Draco grabs ahold of my leg and drags me off the bed, falling flat on my arse.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" I stand and bolt after him as he runs from me, "I will murder you! Do you hear me? I will murder you!"

Theodore runs after us, and I finally make it to Draco, grabbing ahold of his shirt and stretching it out until he turns to face me and unexpectedly trips, making us fall to the floor and lands on top of me.

"Draco get off! You're so heavy you're going to suffocate me!" I groan trying to push him off.

"Are you calling me fat? I'm highly offended." He props himself up on his elbows looking down at me.

I grab his hair, pulling his head to the side.

"Shit Evelyn. You're pulling my luscious locks out!" He groaned, tapping the floor to let me know he was done.

"Get off of my sister." Theodore demands.

"She's fat shaming me! And she's completely wrong." Draco says, finally lifting himself off of me.

"Sorry that you almost crushed me and made me fall through the damn floor because your fat arse decided to be an idiot! Per usual!"

He lifts his shirt, revealing his pale but toned torso, his abdomen muscles prominent.

"I happen to be very muscular." He proves his point and I roll my eyes.

"Draco?" We hear his Mother's voice in the other room.

"Let's go." Draco huffs, leading us to the other room by the steps.

"Hi Mother." Draco greets Narcissa. "I assume you've made our guests comfortable."

"Always." He replies, smirking back at me.

"Now Draco... you do know that you must accompany to each guest that will be present, yes?" Lucius speaks.

"Yes." He nods.

"Good. As for the two of you... I recommend sticking with Draco."

Theodore and I nod in sync. "Thank you for having us, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy."



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