80 | Leaky Cauldron

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The fireplace in front of the couch crackles, the common room was dim and cozy. Mattheo and I didn't make it very far to his dorm, he insisted to go on the common room couch.

I had finally gotten him to rest, I sat up while his head was on my lap, and his legs were sprawled out hanging over the couch arm, he was too tall for this small couch.

My hands run through his hair, massaging his scalp. He was sound asleep as I listened to the peaceful sound of the fireplace while reading a good book.

I feel his hand trying to grab mine, I look down at him to see he's still asleep, it's been said you could still feel the persons touch in your sleep.

I take his hand in mine, he interlocks our fingers and adjusts his head on my thighs. I reach for a blanket, unfolding it and spreading it out over Mattheo's body.

I lean down, brushing his hair out of the way with my fingers and placing a kiss on his forehead.

I always thought I'd end up with Cedric, the golden boy, but deep down it was always going to be Mattheo.

"Evelyn." I hear Mattheo mumble, I look down at him, my thumb grazing his cheekbone.

"Shh, it's okay I'm right here, go back to sleep."

"No, this isn't comfortable for you." He raises his head, while I roll my eyes playfully, "I'm fine, get some rest."

"I'm not letting you sit like this all night because of me, you need rest too." He refused. I sigh, putting my book down.

I wiggle down farther so my head was resting on the arm of the couch and we were both laying on the furniture, surprisingly we both fit, even tho Mattheo's legs still hung off the end.

He spreads the blanket over me, his head nuzzled in my neck as my hand came up and held the back of his head, gently running my fingers through his hair.

"If this ever ends I don't think I could ever physically love anyone else. I couldn't open up to someone else like I have to you." His voice is low and muffled that I could barely hear.

"This will never end." I whispered, holding him tighter, hoping I'd be right.


"Please wake up before I puke." I hear Theodore's faint voice, my eyes slowly open to see my brother looking down at Mattheo and I.

Mattheo stretches his legs before standing, he kept me warm throughout the night with his weight slightly crushing me, believe it or not I was still comfortable.

I watch Mattheo lift his arms over his head to stretch more, his shirt lifting so his v-line was clearly visible.

And of course, he catches me staring, honestly why wouldn't I stare?

"You couldn't sleep in your dorm like a normal person?" Theodore asks with a annoying tone in his voice.

"This big baby was too lazy," I point at Mattheo and he shrugs, clearly still half asleep.

"I've got a lead on Evan. He was spotted at the Leaky Cauldron. We should get going." Theodore explained, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"We have class." I say, looking up at the clock showing that it was the crack of dawn.

"Fuck class. There's a war coming and we need to find Grindelwald."

"Are you coming with?" I turn to Mattheo, he looks up, "It would be better if I didn't, you'd be safer without me there."

"No, you need to come. You have a reputation and it'll be easier to get Evan to talk if your there. You have a way of freaking people out." Theodore looks over at him, one thing I've learned about Mattheo is that he hates to be ordered around.

"If you know what's best for you, don't tell me what to do." Mattheo responds, turning his back to Theodore.

"Can you come, please?" I stick out my bottom lip as a way to make him feel bad.

He rolls his eyes at me, leaning down to my level so he could kiss me, my brother didn't like the sight.

I kiss him back before pulling away to wait for his answer, hoping that he'd come with.

"I'll go, not because of your brother. Because I enjoy you being in my bed every night and I'd like that to continue." He smirked down at me, my lips forming into a straight line.

I glance over at Theodore who was shaking his head, "Gross. Really fucking gross."


"Gangs all here." Ron chirped, chugging down a butter beer.

My friends insisted on going with us, they wanted to be there for me and there wasn't anyway I could try to make them stay.

"Keep a lookout. Evan apparently comes here everyday around ten." Theodore whispered.

We took a table in the back, where no one would look. We just needed some time to scout the building for Evan.

I leaned my head on Mattheo's shoulder, still pretty tired from waking up so early.

My eyes snap open as I feel Mattheo's hand on my inner thigh, I go to close my legs by reflex, but he used his one hand to pry them apart again.

I was wearing a skirt, if he moved his hand any higher he'd be touching my underwear.

It's ten in the morning, and we're supposed to be looking for Evan... and we're surrounded by my friends plus my brother.

His finger touches my underwear, I jolt in my seat, "What are you doing?" I whispered.

He leans over and whispers in my ear, "What? Do you want me to stop?"

I'm at a loss for words. I can feel the heat against my face, and the thought of getting caught.

He chuckles, my breath hitches as I feel his hand slip under my underwear, eager of what was going to happen next.

Before anything could happen, I stand up, catching Mattheo off guard.

"I have to use the bathroom."



hope u enjoyed

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