77 | In Control

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warning ; mature content ahead
this chapter is just ALL SMUT.
if you don't like reading that stuff
than i strongly recommend u to
not read. :)

I don't even remember when we made it to Mattheo's dorm, he was trying to distract me from my thoughts. It was his way of apologizing without talking about anything.

If he thinks he can distract me into having a good time he's up for a rude awakening, because there was no way I was letting him have control after the shit he pulled.

I was angry, and he was going to see it. In more ways than one.

He leans in, trying to kiss me but I raise my hand and let it meet his cheek, his jaw sharpens at the fact that I've just slapped him.

"You don't get to touch me." I speak sternly.

"Evelyn come on, I was just trying—"

I use my strength to push him down onto the bed, climbing onto his lap so I was straddling him. "You're so selfish..." I whispered in his ear.

He looked at me surprised, shocked that I was doing this. But I didn't care, he was going to get a taste of his own medicine.

My lips fall onto his jawline, kissing and sucking on the skin to leave prominent marks, I hear his breathing hitch which made me smile into his skin.

His hands slide up my lower back, I quickly grab them both and force them back to his sides. "I said you don't touch me."

He hums at that, slightly annoyed but he complies.

I lower my lips to his neck, nipping at the skin as I begin to very slowly move my hips on top of his, causing him to breathe out from the sudden movement.

I feel his hand on my waist, and I automatically stop the movement on his lap, "Touch me one more time and you won't be getting anything out of this."

He throws his head back in annoyance and whispers, "You're a fucking brat."

"No," My hand flies up to grab his throat, slightly squeezing. I did what he would do to me, I was so much more inexperienced, but I couldn't show him that... I had to go by my gut.

"You're the brat Mattheo. What the hell were you thinking... trying to do everything yourself without talking to me first. It's my business when you're speaking about me. This is our relationship, not just yours." I spat angrily, my hips grind onto his in a slow and painfully manner, I could tell he was losing it.

I let go of his throat and move my hand to the back of his neck, pulling his face closer to mine, "Do you want to kiss me?"

"When do I not?" He answers with a smirk on his face. I roll my eyes at his remark, slowly leaning in, giving him a quick peck on his lips, but not enough to satisfy him.

"Keep going." He whispered, referring to my hips grinding against his.

So I do the opposite and stop my movements, he groans from the loss of touch. "You're fucking killing me Evelyn."

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