63 | Yours

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The soreness hits my body as soon as I wake, but the warmth I feel slightly made the pain bearable.

I lift my head that was practically buried in Mattheo's chest, the familiar scent filling my senses. I loved his cologne.

His arms were loosely wrapped around me, and I couldn't help but look at him, his hair all messy and his looking perfectly kissable as always.

I peck his lips with my own, but before I could pull away I felt him kiss me back as his arms tightened around my waist and he brought me even closer to him.

Gasping, he lifts me on top of him so that I was now straddling him, my thighs on the outside of his. My hands run down his bare chest, slightly wincing at the pain in the lower half of my body.

He sits up, grabbing my jaw and pressing his lips to mine again, tasting nothing but strawberry.

He pulled away to leave kisses on my neck, the skin being so sensitive that I shudder.

I can't I believe I slept with Mattheo Riddle.

He grunts, his hands immediately falling to my hips, without even realizing I was grinding on him, it seemed to effect him.

"Stop moving your hips like that." He rasped, I thought I've done something bad and might have hurt him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." I try to lift myself off of him, he reacts by pulling my hips back down on top of his.

"You didn't hurt me. You did the opposite." He spoke, leaning his head back on the bed frame.

"You're okay?" I asked.

"Better than okay." He meets his eyes with mine, "You?" He asked the same question.

"I'm okay. Sore, but okay. I don't know if I can even walk." I complained, leaning my down farther so I was closer to him.

His head leans back, I took the opportunity and placed small kisses along his jawline, he seemed to enjoy it as I watched his eyes flutter closed and his hand reach my hair.

I make it to his neck, sucking on the skin to leave marks just as he did to me, I wanted others to know that he was mine, especially Astoria.

Not that we've talked about anything, but he told me that I was his last night, so it was a thought.

My lips meet his chest, leaving marks from his neck all the way to his abdomen, his hand in my hair tightens.

My hand meets the drawstrings of his sweats, questioning myself to go any farther. Then again, I've never done that before.

He answered for me by taking my hand away. "Don't."

"Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"No Evelyn. I want you to do it. Fuck I'd be more than willing to let you suck my—"

"Shut up." I interrupt. "Then why did you pull my hand away?"

"Because you're sore and I know for a fact you can't walk. I think leaving hickey's all over my body is enough for you." He chuckled, his hands on my hips while his thumbs rub small circles into my skin.

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