75 | Baby

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"You know if you want to be in a relationship you don't kiss other girls."

"Well considering I've never been in a damn relationship... I didn't know it would be a problem. Especially because you fancy making me jealous all the time." Mattheo remarks.

"You kissed Astoria as a dare. I know it was just a dare and I was fine with that. But storming off after I did the same dare with Cedric? Why? Why do you get to kiss someone for a dare and I can't?"

"No fucking kissing. No dares. You're mine, and stop making me fucking jealous." He says.

"Okay okay, we were both wrong. But it was just a dare and it didn't mean anything. You know I love you, right?"

"Mm." He hummed.

"Mattheo." I look at him.


"Listen. I know you don't get how relationships work because you've never been in one. But— okay. Never mind that, tell me how it felt when I kissed Cedric, hm?" I ask.

"I was going to kill him. Probably rip off his lips first then kill him."

"So you were jealous and angry?" I raise my brow and he scowls at me.

"Why would I be jealous— maybe a little." He looked away, I smile.

"That's exactly how I felt when you kissed Astoria." I tell him, he looks back up at me, lunging forward to touch me.

I melt into his touch, my hand meeting his. "I didn't want you to feel like that."

"It's okay. You're trying and I know that. Do you trust me?" I question, my thumb grazing his knuckle.

"I trust you." He answers with a nod, watching my hand cautiously as it almost meets his face.

"I would never hurt you." I reassure him, I watch his eyes soften as he grabs my hand, I thought he was going to pull it away again.

But to my surprise, he places my hand onto his cheek, my thumb gently grazes the sensitive area where it was still a bit bruised.

I gently smile, he let me touch him...

My expression changes as I feel his hand touch my stomach, specifically where my scar was, but it was hidden.

I flinched, feeling his thumb graze the skin where the scar laid. "I would never hurt you either."

My heart melts. "I know, baby." I lean back into his touch, letting our foreheads rest against each other.

His breathing hitches, "Baby?"

"I figured since you call me Redhead all the time, it was only fair that you had a nickname too."

He smiles then chuckles. "Okay, baby it is."


"No leads on Evan or Vinda. I'm sorry Ev." Harry speaks, I notice Draco sitting in the corner of the room by himself, looking rather lonely.

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