61 | Intrusive Thoughts

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"We'd have to sneak into Professor Snape's office?" Hermione asks, speaking in a whisper.

"It's the only floo network that will work, or that I know of." Harry answered.

"I have to stop at my dorm on the way for the marauders map." Theodore says, tapping his fingers on the table.

"How in the world did you get that?" Hermione questioned, she thought he must have stolen it.

"George and Fred. It came with a price but it was worth it." He shrugged, clearly proud of himself.

"Let's go then. Let's not waste time." Ron stands up from his chair.

Theodore agrees and leads us to the Slytherin common room for us to wait for him, totally doesn't look suspicious with a bunch of Gryffindor's sitting in the Slytherin common room.

We enter, and I was completely taken aback from the sight in front of me.

The Slytherin's were gathered around, having a fun time with alcohol, but I didn't care about that...

"Are you alright?" Maggie tapped my shoulder, and then she realized what I was so caught up about, "Oh love, don't pay any attention to them."

Mattheo was seated in a chair by the fireplace, but he wasn't alone. A dark haired girl sat on top of him, straddling his lap.

They were having a full on make out session in front of everyone. Her hands were all over him, dragging down his clothed chest, as her lips practically devoured his.

His hand was on her waist, while his other hand was resting on the arm of the chair and his fingers wrapped around a glass of whiskey.

His eyes meet mine, he kissed Astoria while keeping eye contact with me, the girl that he hated, was now all over him.

There was a pit in my stomach. I felt nothing but jealousy, repeating to myself in my head for Theodore to hurry up, not knowing how much more of this I could take.

Astoria noticed that he was staring at me, she grabbed his jaw and smashed her lips against his once again, making him pay all of his attention back to her.

It took all of me not to go over there and rip her off of him. And then slap him in the face repeatedly. Intrusive thoughts.

"She's literally sucking his face off." Draco whispered to me. I didn't say anything.

"He doesn't deserve you love." Maggie said quietly, no one expected anything as Draco, a Slytherin himself, stood with us.

"Who would just start making out in front of a bunch of people, get a room seriously!" Maggie spoke louder, this time, making sure Astoria and Mattheo both heard.

Astoria pulled her lips away from his, glaring at all of us, "It's not my fault Theodore doesn't want to make out with you in public to show you off."

"No. We just have the decency to do it in private. Something you'll never experience because Riddle over there is just using you to make a certain someone jealous." Maggie clapped back, I nudge her elbow, begging her not to mention me again in this conversation.

"Why would I want to make someone jealous? I can't help the fact that you're sidekick over there couldn't handle that I didn't want to be in a relationship with her." Mattheo chuckled, referring to me by the name sidekick.

Astoria runs her fingers through Mattheo's hair, "Why don't we take this to your dorm, baby?"

Baby? I feel disgusted. My heart sinks and I turn around to leave the room, telling my friends to not follow after me.

I find the nearest girls lavatory, locking myself in there as I look into the mirror. Finally alone, I let the tears fall.

No, Mattheo and I weren't in a relationship. But we did things that a couple would do.

I feel pathetic for letting myself cry and get my feelings hurt over him. But I can't help it, my chest cramps up from all the recent things I've been going through.

I take a few deep breaths, wipe my face with my sleeve, and decide to go back, but this time I waited outside of the common room.

I hated him. Just wait til Astoria tries to force him into a relationship, she has a rude awakening on the way.

I force myself to not care. I couldn't let my mind drift off and for him to think that I was jealous, even if it was the truth, he didn't deserve the effort.

"I heard what happened. You're okay?" Theodore asked, the group leaving the common room.

"I'm fine. Let's just come up with a plan." I answered, clearing my throat.

Maggie wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we walked, "You'll be okay, he isn't worth your tears."

I smiled softly but didn't say anything, not that I knew how to respond.

"Do you still talk to Cedric?" She questioned, Theodore looked back at us, tired of Maggie blabbing to me about boys.

"I haven't recently." I muttered, looking down at the ground as we walked.


I shook my head, "Not since Draco's Christmas Eve party at the manor."

"The best way to get a boy off your mind is to get with another boy, and I know Cedric is your best friend, so how about Lorenzo hm?" She suggests.

"That's crazy. I wouldn't do that, I don't want Lorenzo to think I'm using him..."

"What if he's into that? Plus I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Maggie smirked at me, clearly amused.

"Stop giving my sister bad ideas!" Theodore yelled from in front of us.

"It will calm her mind! Plus we aren't leaving until the weekend, what could having a little fun do?" Maggie insists.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I agree with Maggie. You should clear your mind, you've been through a lot in the past few days."Hermione speaks.

"Agreed." Harry and Ron both say in sync.

"I'm not even going to say anything to that." Draco chimed in.

"We didn't want you to anyways," Hermione scoffed. The two of them could never quit their bickering.

"I don't know guys. Lorenzo and I haven't spoken in awhile. He'll think I'm crazy." I huffed.

"You never know if you don't try." Maggie winked.





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