47 | Gem

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I notice her from across the room. Her long red hair tied back, ending at the start of her waist.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I see her blue eyes light up as Draco fuckin' Malfoy places his hand on her lower back.

I clench my jaw looking to the ground. "What's the matter Mattheo?"Astoria's hand brushes my shoulder.

"Fuck off of me." I shrug her hand off, thought she took the hint in the beginning of the year.

"Your girlfriend seems close with Draco, did you know?" She asks.

I stand up and face her, "Does it look like I fucking care? And she isn't my girlfriend, so piss off Greengrass." She doesn't respond as she looks up at me seductively.

I look back at Evelyn and she catches my glance, I hold the eye contact, and it probably would've lasted longer if Malfoy didn't call her over.

"Mr. Riddle?" I snap my head to the side. "Lucius." I murmured, he stands tall with his a snake-topped walking stick that enclosed his wand.

"Care for a word?" He inquires appalled, Bellatrix Lestrange and Theodore Nott taking a few steps toward Lucius and I.

"Not particularly." I answer, I didn't make an appearance to speak to Lucius Malfoy about my Father.

His lips twitch. "It's about the girl, Mr. Riddle."

I follow Lucius into a darker and more private room, grabbing my wand from my pocket and holding it up to his neck, "How the hell do you know about her?"

"It's the reason we invited her here to stay sir... your Father—" He breathed out harshly, my wand against his throat so hard it cuts off his oxygen.

"Expelliarmus!" Theodore Nott knocks my wand from my hand with his own, my head snaps over to him in aggravation.

"Evelyn is my sister. I want to hear what he has to say." He explains, I could tell by his voice he was nervous, scared of what Lucius had to say.

"What about my Father?" I question, my patience slips away by the second.

"He knows about the girl. He was the one who made sure that I invited her to stay with us." He speaks fast, I could feel the anger running through my veins. What a fucking setup.

"How did he find out about her?" My teeth were gritted, and my muscles tense at the thought that my Father knows about her.

"It is far too difficult to keep a girl hidden for long when she is the only child of Gellert Grindelwald." He stiffens of fear at the touch of my wand.

Theodore taps his foot impatiently, must be difficult to know that your sister isn't really your sister, but he didn't give a reaction to it in front of a bunch of death eaters.

"Your Father, The Dark Lord, has known about Evangeline Grindelwald for quite some time now. He's curious that she's absorbed some of Grindelwald's rare magic." Lucius informs, his voice quieter.

"And why are you explaining this to me now?"

"It was the most appropriate time to see you without causing suspicion." He grimaced, fidgeting with the snake topped cane.

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