02 | First Words

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"Hey you," Lorenzo walks by my side. The two of us were heading to Defense against the Dark Arts.

"Hi Lorenzo." I respond, walking faster but he keeps up with me.

I didn't have anything against him, I just dislike that he flirts with me and then flirts with the rest of the school.

"What's up with you and the Hufflepuff?" He questions, I stop in my tracks and face him confused.

"Do you mean Cedric?"

"Yeah whatever." He crossed his arms to his chest, looking everywhere but at me.

"What do you mean? He's a friend." I say, and it comes to me, is Lorenzo Berkshire jealous?

"A friend huh? You look at him like you're in love." He snarled.

"You're overthinking. What does it matter to you?" I question.

We begin walking again, "It doesn't." He mutters.

"If you're jealous just say so, but it's selfish to be mad at me because you've probably been with every girl in the school and you don't see me scolding you for it." I tell him.

"I'm not jealous, and I'm not scolding you either, it just surprises me that you'd rather be with—"

"Lorenzo don't finish that sentence. You are my brothers best friend, one he'd kill you, two I wouldn't rather be with Cedric. Yes he's nice and thoughtful, but I see him as a friend only." I cut him off before he could get the rest of his words out.

"Who said Theodore had to find out?" He stops walking again to take us somewhere more private and I start to worry, I didn't want to be late to class, especially Professor Snape's class.

"I can't talk about this right now. I don't want to be late." I avoid the subject.

He ignores my worries, "Evelyn is it not obvious? You know I like you, but you won't give me a chance why?" I can tell by the tone of his voice he is aggravated.

Lorenzo and I have had past connections, we would mess around and we were flirty to one another all throughout last year.

"This isn't appropriate to talk about right now, we're in the middle of a empty hallway where any professor or student could walk out any minute." I again keep avoiding the subject which agitates him even more.

"Does it look like I care Ev? I want to know why you're avoiding me more now and just put a hold to everything that happened last year." He runs his hand through his brown hair frustratedly.

"We're going to be late to Defense against the Dark Arts. We can talk about this later." I start speed walking to class, I didn't need to be more embarrassed today than I already was by Professor Flitwick.

I hear Lorenzo curse under his breath before following along, and I know it seems wrong to not give him an answer, but I can't think of one to give him without it blowing up in my face.

I make it to class with a few minutes to spare, thankfully, I sit down at a desk in the front, Lorenzo doesn't sit with me like he usually would, I knew he was frustrated with me.

Lorenzo was one of my best friends, he was closer to my brother of course, but we always had that connection.

Theodore would always say he was off limits, and I assume it was because Lorenzo has been with almost every girl in the school and he doesn't want me to get hurt.

Last year we had sneaked around, we never were officially together or considered dating, we never even talked about it.

He was nice to have around and he wouldn't push me into anything I wasn't comfortable with, for example he'd always ask if it was okay to kiss me, and for awhile it took me a lot to let him because I used to be so afraid Theodore would find out.

But we've never gotten farther than kisses, I wasn't ever comfortable with it, neither ready to explore those chapters of my life yet.

He didn't rush me, but I knew that he had done it plenty of times, and sometimes it felt embarrassing for me because I haven't.

I stand up from my seat to grab a textbook from the back of the room.

Turning around, I jump back surprised, Mattheo Riddle was suddenly in my face and I had almost ran straight into him.

We were face to face, too close for my liking, his eyes pierce into mine giving me a look of aggression.

"Watch it." He spoke lowly, he had a husky voice that fit his looks. I didn't say anything, inhaling his scent as he stepped pass me.

I attempt to walk back to my desk, but I failed by getting my arm pulled by Lorenzo who forced me to sit down next to him unknowingly.

"Don't piss him off Evelyn. We don't know what he is capable of." Lorenzo whispered too loudly, we caught a glance from Riddle from afar.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't know he was right there behind me." I whispered back.

"Just stay away from him, I don't want you getting hurt." He says and I nod my head agreeing.

My heart flutters at the thought that Lorenzo cares for me a lot.

Trying my best to pay attention to Professor Snape, I couldn't help but gaze at Riddle every few minutes.

Everything about him was dangerous, someone speaking even a word to him is a risk of death.

Without even realizing, class was dismissed like a snap of a finger, I must have been unfocused.

"Are you trying out for quidditch this year?" I ask Lorenzo, we walked in the halls together as we got our break from class.

"Yeah, tryouts start next week. I'm most likely to become the new captain for our team." He says.

"That's great. I'll have to come to the games." I grin and he does too, "I agree."

"This is where we part classes... see you at dinner time?" I stop walking to get a good look at his handsome face.

"Yeah," He muttered, I softly smile and walk the opposite way, I could tell he was still upset about earlier but he didn't want me to know.

Off to meet Hermione and Maggie for our last class, that we gratefully have together.


Q: How was this chapter? What do you think will happen in the next? Thoughts/Ideas? How do we feel on Lorenzo and Evelyn's past and present relationship?

AN: I know it's a little slow but I want to get through the first few chapters! Don't worry Mattheo will be more involved in the next few chapters!!! Boring chapters are always first but needed!

Thanks for reading <333

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