74 | Exes And Oh's

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Thank Merlin for the Muffliato spell, because we would all be in trouble for Draco's loud music that filled the Slytherin common room.

"Remember the last time we were here? You casted the Cruciatus Curse on me." I scoffed.

"You were being annoying," Mattheo responds quietly. "No I beat you in the duel, and your little anger issues couldn't handle it."

"Hey! There's Maggie and Hermione." I point out, I watch him roll his eyes.

"Listen, your friends don't like me, and I can't stand your friends. It's best we don't cross paths. I don't feel like getting other people's blood on me tonight." He explains.

"Let's just go sit down and wait for the games to start then." I suggest.

"I need a drink first if you expect me to get through this entire night without bashing anyone's head in." He innocently smiles at me, before turning his back on me and leaving to find drinks.

"I must say, Mattheo looks awfully delicious tonight. Black dress shirt... red tie... he looks so hot." Astoria creeps up behind me like the stalker that she is.

"Yes, my boyfriend does look hot."

"Does it ever make you jealous to know that his lips were all over mine? Remember that?" She giggles and I try extremely hard to cool it.

But she didn't make it easy.

"No. It doesn't. You were meaningless to him, you were a one time thing for a reason." I snapped back at her.

"Because you ruined it. You're desperate, he doesn't want you. He just wants you for your body." She lies, clearly...

I take a step closer and whisper in her ear, "Mhm... and does it make you jealous to know that his lips are all over my body every night?"

Her mouth falls open to say something but she can't think of any words.

So I walk past her without another word.

"You alright?" Mattheo meets me, handing me a drink, I look what's in the cup then back up at him, "It's punch, I know you don't drink."

"I'm fine it's just Astoria. Why did you have to use her to make me jealous? Now she won't shut up about it."

"That's exactly why, you don't like her. Just like you held Malfoy's hand right in front of me." He remarks and I scoff.

"At least I didn't have a full on make out with him in front of you... and that wasn't to make you jealous. I was scared of his aunt..." I mumbled, he hears every word and chuckles.

With Mattheo talking to me, I was walking backwards so I could hear him and see him, not even seeing the people I could run into.

I almost spill my punch but Mattheo catches it from my hands, I turn around as I watch Mattheo's glare become more intense.

"I'm so sorry— Cedric?"

"Ah yeah, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." He replies. Looking down at me with an awkward smile.

"How about you watch where your fucking going next time?" Mattheo speaks up, his hand meeting my waist.

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