25 | Midnight

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"Evelyn what're you doing? It's the middle of the night." Hermione's voice startled me.

"Just to get some fresh air, I couldn't sleep, I'm sorry did I wake you?" I whispered.

"No it's okay, go ahead."

I leave the room, heading outside, the cold air hitting my bare skin sends shivers down my spine.

I guess it wasn't the smartest idea to come outside with just a tank-top and shorts with no coat.

Anger fills my mind, seeing the strident and fractious brunette boy I've shared many kisses with now.

I turn around to leave, not being able to deal with him, especially in the middle of the night.

"I know you're there." He spoke.

"Don't worry I was just leaving." I muttered.

"I wasn't very worried."

I whip back around, "Is there a reason why you're sitting down on the cold asphalt by yourself?"

Without saying anything, he lifts up a humongous bottle of liquor to show.

"You know, you should really quit drinking. It's horrible for you." I say.

"I have no reason to ever want to quit drinking."

"Why?" I asked, which I shouldn't have, I should be back inside by now in my bed.

"Alcohol makes me forget things I don't want to remember." He laughs to himself.

"I think that's all in your head."

"Try living a day of my life, hell, you wouldn't survive two seconds." He murmured.

"Everyone's terrified of you, no one bothers you unless you speak to them first, which I don't know why you'd want to live like that but I think I'd do just fine." I take a step closer.

He chuckled, "That's funny, what do you think happens when I go home Nott? That it's all sunshines and rainbows and that my Father actually wants to see me?"

"You're his own child, he is supposed to love you, that's just nature."

"Love... a word of many meanings. There is no love in my household Nott." He looks up at me, making eye contact.

"But he's your—"

"My Father does not love me, if that's what you want to know. He fuckin' hates me." He speaks over me harshly.

I stayed silent for a moment, before finally reaching out, "I'm sorry. I guess in some ways I could relate."

"Don't try to compare your uptight life to mine."

"Theodore and I don't have parents anymore, we've been orphans since we were eleven." I revealed, I shouldn't be telling him anything about us or our past.

"I know." He says, my eyebrows furrow.

"How do you know?"

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