68 | Week Three

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"I'm sorry Evelyn. I didn't know anything more. I shouldn't have yelled at you the other day." Draco spat out, he was frightened, traumatized even by everything Lucius and his Mother had told him.

Draco had a task. He had to let death eaters into Hogwarts using the vanishing cabinet. His other task was to kill our headmaster, Professor Dumbledore.

I learned a bit as well while I was listening on in their conversation. This wasn't going to end in peace, that was for sure.

"Draco, come here." I signal him with a sigh. The blonde was on the urge of breaking down right in front of me.

I felt awful. I watch him slowly make his way to me as he sits on my guest bed next to me.

His head hits my shoulder, immediately he was finding comfort. I let my hand slide up to comfort him by hugging him back.

"It's okay." I whispered, as Mattheo did to me the one night I found out something terrifying.

I notice he had a hard time breathing, I speak up, "Do you hear me breathing? Just nod if you do."

I feel him nod on my shoulder.

"Follow what I do." I say, taking his hand and placing it to where my heart beat, deeply breathing in and then letting out a big breath of air, I do this over and over again as he followed along.

His breathing becomes more stable, before he finally gets out a small, "Thanks. Who taught you to do that?"

Then I'm silent again. I feel my body go cold.

He must know. "Mattheo?"

"Yes." I breathe out shakily.

"He won't be in there for long. You know him, he's always got some type of plan. You know he isn't just going to rot in the cells, he's smart." Draco praised.

I smile softly, "Thank you, and he is. He's really smart."

"I'll be honest. He's one of the smartest people I know. The ass keeps straight A's the whole semester. He hasn't gotten anything below a damn A! I don't know how he does it." Draco laughed, making me laugh too.

"Well he can read minds, so I'm sure that's been useful to his education." I continue to laugh, unable to stop.

Thinking about him made me happy.

"Do you think he really loves you?" Draco asked, changing the whole subject and catching me completely off guard.

"I— I don't know Draco. All I know is that, I do love him. And I think I've known that for some time I just didn't know what the feeling was yet."

"I know you don't want to hear it. But Theodore... he's just looking out for you. You're his little sister, he feels like he needs to protect you with his life. He loves you, I know that. And he doesn't want you to get your heartbroken." Draco explained to me, honestly I'm not sure how this conversation made it to my brother.

"I know he wants to protect me. But I have to feel those emotions to grow as a person. Getting your heart broken is apart of life, I had that, with Lorenzo. Mattheo and I... it's different. Even if we fight, we find our way back to each other."

Before Draco could say anymore, Theodore had opened the door. "Lucius located Evan. He's on his way here now."

All three of us rush down to the dining room. This was my chance to find my real family.

To learn more, I had so many questions that I needed answers to.


"What do you know about Vinda Rosier?" Theodore asked the man standing in front of us all. It was weird, seeing someone that was apart of my real family.

"I'm the wrong guy to speak to. I know nothing of Vinda Rosier, in fact I've never met her. Sorry, you're out of luck mates." The blonde man responded, Theodore didn't like that answer.

"We got you here safely for fucking nothing? You are useless. How do you know nothing about your own cousin?!" Theodore snapped.

"I'll repeat myself only because you asked so nicely," Evan spoke sarcastically, "I said I never fuckin' met her. Get that through your head, yeah mate?"

"You're so clueless huh? Why were you sneaking around the corner to listen in on Mattheo and I's conversation on Christmas Eve?" Theodore interrogates. He could definitely be on one of those crime shows.

"I do know a bit about Grindelwald. And I may know a person who knows where you could find him." The man answered.

"Bullshit. Professor Dumbledore said he hasn't been seen in years. What game are you playing?" I stepped in, facing the blonde man completely.

"Yes, see that's the thing about Grindelwald. He's very good at his game. If he wants to be hidden, he will stay hidden. If he wants to be found, then so be it and he will be." He explained.

"What does that have to do with you listening in on my brother's conversation?"

"You're a powerful little thing. I think it's time you've realized your full potential. Didn't you realize how people were staring at you on Christmas Eve? The power radiating off of you is almost addicting... I mean... you are Grindelwald's daughter, you're his blood." He answered, what did he mean?

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say quietly.

"You're lying now. I'm sure you've been told the stories of your Father. All the different things he could do with his magic. The most powerful wizard in the world, and you're his daughter, you have his blood and his magic in you. Wizards that want that power, will be selfish."

"I don't have the magic he does." I tell him but he shakes his head in disagreement.

"You're wrong again, Ms. Grindelwald. It takes a great amount of emotion to access the magic of your Father." He tsks.

"What am I supposed to do with this information Evan?" I snapped at him, he just smiled, not in a nice way either.

"Save it. Save it for when you find Grindelwald. Then, he will teach you the ways of his magic, he is the only one who can show you your full potential."

Theodore had enough of his nonsense, not that I thought it was... I didn't know what to think.

"Goodbye, Ms. Grindelwald." Evan's voice calls out as I hear the door shut.



hope you enjoyed, double update

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