33 | Lies Lies Lies

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"I want you to come with me to Professor Slughorn's Christmas party." Cedric proposed.

"Hmm?" I hummed, barely even paying attention to what he was saying I was more focused on the sound of his steady heartbeat.

It was a quiet night, I came back with Cedric to his dorm to spend more time together, he's been busy recently with quidditch practice, he's worked very hard since he wants to be prepared for the season after winter break.

At the moment, we both laid in his bed while I rested my head on his bare chest and we talked and talked.

"Will you go to the Christmas party with me?" He asks again, kissing the top of my head.

"Of course." I accept his proposal, sitting up to face him, his light hazel eyes meeting mine.

"I got so lucky with you." He smiled, but in reality, I was the lucky one.

"Cedric... I don't think I deserve you." I laugh, he frowns at my words.

"You deserve me. What makes you say that?" He pulled me closer to him, I was now sitting on top of him with my legs straddling each side of his.

"I don't know..." I breathe out, but I was wrong, I knew the exact reason why I felt this way.

"No need to second guess yourself, you're perfect in every way." He cupped my face, moving my hair out of my face.

My heart flutters at his actions, this boy is too perfect for this world.

"I want to tell you something, and I don't expect you to say anything back okay?" His hand presses onto my lower back.

I nod in response, slightly worried about what he's going to say to me, but it's him and I know him like the back if my hand, how bad could it be?

"I love you Ev, I really do."

I froze, I look at him in complete shock, "Like I said, I don't expect you to say anything, it might be too early for you to say it back, but I've felt this way ever since we became best friends."

He didn't give me a chance to say anything, he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine, but I pull away as soon as he does, the guilt taking over me.

"Cedric— I need to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" He brushes his thumb against my cheek, he looks down at where my hand was holding my necklace.

"I lied to you." I hesitate, unclasping the necklace and taking it off.

His eyebrows furrow, "What do you mean?"

"This necklace... isn't from Maggie." I stammered, hoping this wouldn't ruin the night.

"Who's it from?" He questions, tilting his head, I could tell he was trying to keep calm.

"Riddle, he gave it to me the night of my birthday when he showed up at the diner." I confess, immediately feeling the guilt of lying leave my body.

He forcefully made me move off of him and he stands from the bed, running his fingers through his hair, he faces away from me and looks down at the floor.

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