23 | Caught In The Act

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"And why would you ever think I dream about you?" I asked, we both are now standing in a empty hallway.

"Come on Redhead, I can read that pretty little mind of yours, you know this already." He smiled.

"Pretty?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sure I didn't stutter." He answered.

"You're complimenting me? I am actually so surprised right now."

"So that brings me back to my question, will you do it?" He questions, I can now tell he's getting a bit impatient.

"Well you haven't told me the arrangements." I say, if I wanted to be honest, I'm completely into this, I wanted to do it.

"If you'd agree, we'd be able to do this... with no feelings whatsoever." He steps closer, caging me between himself and the wall.

My breathing speeds up, "I— I don't know what to say, are you sure this a good idea?"

"I know how I make you feel. I know you want to do this." He smirked, leaning towards me, feeling my heart explode as he presses his lips to mine.

"What the fuck?" Suddenly the brunette was pulled away from me, I open my eyes with fear of seeing my brothers face filled with anger.

"Theodore, this is a misunderstanding..." I try to explain, but he wasn't having it.

"You have your fucking hands on my sister! My sister! The one you continuously told me you hated and threatened!" He yelled, pushing Riddle backwards.

"Don't touch me Nott, you know it won't end well for you. I'd hate for your sister to see you covered in blood." He frowned.

"Don't threaten him." I defended, Riddle gave me a despising look, I on the other hand was still thinking about the fact that I could still feel his lips on mine.

I feel Theodore's hand grab onto my arm, forcefully dragging me along with him, not happy for the lecture but deciding to listen to him.

Arriving at Theodore's dorm, he lets go of me harshly, "Do you have any idea what you've just done?"

"I kissed a boy, so what? You don't need to pull the protective older brother card, I can handle myself." I answered.

"You didn't just kiss any boy, Evelyn. You kissed the fucking son of the Dark Lord!" Theodore whisper yells and I take a step back from him, I haven't seen him this angry in a long time.

"It's not like it's the first time!" I yelled.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Forget what I said, it doesn't matter." I regret saying anything at all, he didn't need to know that.

"You're telling me this isn't the first time you've kissed him? What is wrong with you! You are now involved and you can't get out of it!" He yells louder.

"I am not involved in anything. We are just having fun okay? That's all it is. Just enemies with benefits." I revealed.

"Evelyn you have never even been in a relationship. You shouldn't be doing anything with benefits. You don't know anything about it, you're too innocent and you'll get your feelings hurt, trust me on this." He tried to explain.

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