44 | We Are Nothing

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"I'm so sorry this happened to you." I hold Theodore's hand in mine, moving his hair away from his face.

"I'll do nothing but protect you. You know that. Even if you make stupid and dangerous ass decisions like that." He mutters, his voice is extremely weak.

Going back to my dorm feeling guilty and dirty, I took so many showers hoping to wash Riddle's touch off of me. But no matter what, I still felt it.

Riddle surprises me even more as the days go by, how could a boy make you feel as if you're on top of the world one night, and completely worthless the next day? I don't know.

I feel nothing but regret, hate, and guilt.

Promising myself that I'd never let him touch me again. I refuse to let him hurt me, he used me.

He got what he want from me and decided he didn't want to deal with anymore.

"Episkey." I whisper, the bruises on my body disappearing from how harsh his grip was.

Startled, I didn't want to be alone. I knew Maggie was staying with Theodore tonight, and I had no idea how long Hermione would be gone with Ron and Harry.

I go to the only place I knew I could find comfort. Or at least I hoped I could find comfort there.

He opens the door, facing me with his eyes slightly widened but the look on his face shows he knew everything.

"Can I come in?" I ask, facing his warm and familiar face.

He doesn't say anything, opening the door wider for me, allowing me to step into his room.

Not saying anything at all, he shuts the door behind him, clicking his tongue, "C'mere."

I crash into his body almost immediately, his warm embrace makes me feel anything but uncomfortable, he makes me feel safe.

He runs his fingers through my hair, my face burying into his Hufflepuff sweater. "I'm sorry Ced." I whisper.

"You don't have to say anything." He rubs my lower back, his hold on me was tight, warm, pure.

"I want to stay here tonight." I mutter into his chest, "Can I?"

"You don't have to ever ask me. You know you're always welcome." He pulls me back, kissing my forehead.

I know this wasn't a good idea. But I couldn't stand to be alone after what happened, I couldn't stand to drown in my own thoughts.

"Take the bed." He tells me, throwing a blanket and a pillow on the floor for himself but I shake my head, "I don't want to be alone."

His eyebrows furrow, "You want me to sleep in the bed with you?"

I nod silently, slipping under the covers of his soft and warm bed. "Please."

He hesitates for a minute but then complies, getting into bed next to me. I lift my head and his arm lays under while I put my head back down on it.

"You're safe with me." He reassures, brushing my hair out of my face with his vacant hand.

I softly smile at him. "I don't deserve you."

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