54 | Stay With You

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She slept peacefully, after all I didn't think she was going to sleep at all tonight.

She slept on her side, I could see her chest rise up and down. She looked as innocent as a fly, her hair slightly covering her face.

My sheets covering her entire figure up to her arms, barely being able to see her face as it was hidden in the pillows.

Theodore had to be prepared for what Evelyn was going to say to him, and I didn't need the both of them arguing like children.

After all, Theodore did recently find out himself at the Christmas Eve Party the Malfoy's hosted.

I didn't bother to knock, using the Alohomora spell to unlock the door and barging in on my own.

I didn't say anything, looking over at the bed seeing him awake, but the blonde next to him, Maggie Lovegood, asleep.

I nodded my head toward the door, signaling him to come out. "Now." I mouthed.

He shuts the door quietly behind him, "What do you want from me?"

"Evelyn. She's in my dorm asleep, but she knows... Theodore. She knows." I spoke, watching his expression drop and harden.

"What does she know? That I—"

"No. She knows that... your Father isn't hers." I interrupt, simply not being able to look the boy in the eyes.

"How does she know? How is she?" He asks, running his fingers through his hair as a sign of frustration.

"She told me you told her something important. As I thought, I thought... you told her about your Father. Turns out I was wrong, and I had made the mistake of telling her without knowing—"

I didn't get to finish, he had me shoved against the stone wall that a picture frame behind dug into my back, making me grit my teeth in the sudden, sharp, pain.

"You fucking idiot. Piece of shit!" He tried to keep his voice down to not attract anyone this time of night. For some reason, I had no desire to retaliate, if I wanted to, he would be on the ground in seconds in unwanted pain.

His wand that was up to my neck, he made sure it was against my throat so hard that it draws a line of blood, dripping down to my white button down shirt that stained the material.

"Does she know that Grindelwald is her Father? Did you tell her that too? You fucking... fuck!" His fist meets the wall next to my head, I didn't bother to flinch, not that it scared me.

"No. She doesn't know. I didn't have a chance to tell her much after that, we sat on the fucking floors of the corridors for an hour. I finally got her to get rest."

"Why do you care? Last time I spoke to you about her you said you were fucking using her for your pathetic Father." He spat, teeth gritted.

I tried to relax and not retaliate, but he makes it really difficult with his smart fucking mouth. Now I know where Evelyn gets it from.

"You think I'm a sociopath without being a pathological liar?" I chuckled, which only made him dig his wand deeper against my neck.

"I want her out of your dorm." He demands.

"Fine with me, but you'll be the one to deal with explaining to her about the truth." I said, having enough of his threats, I grabbed his wand from his hand, pushing his chest so he stumbles back.

He wasn't fond of it, immediately taking many steps forwarding and sending a solid punch to my face, usually, his punches are mild. But when he was angry, he could put a lot behind his fists.

"Hit me again and you won't be able to explain to Evelyn about the lies she's been told... because you'll be dead." I still, don't retaliate. I don't know what was holding me back from just knocking him out right then and there.

He doesn't say anything to my threat, mostly because he knew it was the truth. And I knew that's what he thought I'd do, because I could read his very interesting thoughts.

"I'm fucking tired of wimps like yourself punching me in the face and thinking they can
get away with it." I mumbled under my breath.

"Then maybe you should stop doing shit that makes people want to punch you in your face."

"You should really learn how to shut your fucking mouth." I look at him, jaw clenched, barely holding it together, barely stopping myself from using the cruciatus curse on him.

Comes in second place to the killing curse, my personal favorite.

"Take her to Cedric's. I don't need know-it-all Granger to question her about anything. And I certainly don't need Evelyn blabbing it to everyone." He rasps while facepalming.

"She's in shock. Not sure how much blabbing she would do. She was silent the whole time I was with her, it was a whole hour of crying. And I had to deal with that. I think I've done enough for you and your pathetic family, don't you?"

"You didn't have to deal with her. You chose to, so some sociopath part of you cares about her. So listen to me for once, and take her to Cedric's." He responds, only making my patience slip away even greater.

"I don't care about her." I murmured.

"Then go tell her that. Because obviously, she thinks you do, and you can't fucking stay away from her. Now I'm going back to my dorm, make sure she's there by the morning, because I'll be asking Cedric."

Imbecile fucking Hufflepuff.

I don't say anything, turning away from him before I couldn't stand him anymore.

Opening the door to my dorm, looking over at my bed and immediately seeing her, still sound asleep, she was a quiet sleeper.

I lean down in front of her, slipping my arm under her legs and my other arm under her upper back, slowly picking her up with ease, making sure she wouldn't wake.

Just as I made it to the door, her head moves slightly before she whispered, "Mattheo?"

I thought she was still half asleep, her eyes were still closed and her head was nuzzled in my chest.

"Where are we going?" She asked, her voice raspy but soft at the same time.

"I'm taking you to Diggory's, brothers orders."

"What?" Her eyes are now slightly open, her arms wrapping around my neck for support, "Since when did you listen to Theodore?"

"Since never, but... I actually agree with him for once, you're better off at Diggory's dorm." I swallowed thickly, part of me not believing what I just said.

"No," She held onto me tighter, my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Evelyn, you should go." I look at her, my arms tightening around her so she wouldn't fall.

"I want to stay with you."


OH... ik I wrote this but my heart literally flutters when i read my own chapters on just mattheo and evelyn being cute i love it


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