22 | Jealousy

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warning ; assault, violence

"Hey Evelyn." The blonde stumbles behind me.

"Not in the mood, Cormac." I answered, "What's up with the attitude?" He asked jogging in front of me to stop me from walking away.

"I've just had a bad day. Do you need something?" I sighed.

"Yes I do actually," He grinned, twirling my hair between his fingers.

"What is it?" I questioned, taking his hand away.

He looks around at everyone around us, "Let's talk somewhere more private, hm?" The curly headed blonde leads me.

"Make it quick, I'm kind of in a time crunch." I follow him to a more private area.

"I heard you and Cedric are no longer talking." He says, I roll my eyes, is this what he seriously bothered me to talk about?

"I haven't heard from him. Why does that matter to you?"

"It matters because now I have a chance with you." He smirks and I look at him distraught.

"Cormac I don't mean to be rude, but you and I will not happen, I'm sorry." I tell him.

He doesn't accept that answer, "I think once you get to really know me, you'll change your mind."

"Thanks for the offer, but no. I have to go now, I'll see you around though." I softly grin, cutting him short of time and turning around to leave.

He pulls me back with a tight grip on my wrist, I furrow my eyebrows, "What the hell Cormac?"

"I won't take no as an answer, Evelyn." He pulls me dangerously close.

"What is wrong with you?" I try to pry out of his grip, but that was completely useless.

"What did Cedric do to get him on your good side? Because I can do better, I'll promise you that." He whispered, tracing his fingers along the parts of my legs that my skirt did not cover.

"Don't touch me." I angrily spat.

"Or what?" He tilts his head to the side with a fake pouting look on his face.

"Or I'll fucking beat your face in." Stormed in an angrily Mattheo Riddle, effortlessly prying his hand off of my wrist.

The private area we were in wasn't so private anymore, people crowded around to see what was happening, very nosey students.

"Yeah? Then do it tough guy." Cormac responds.

"Touch her again and I will make your life a living hell, look at her again and I won't hesitate to fucking kill you in front of everyone in this school to see your pathetic ass beg for my mercy." He threatened, eyes piercing into his.

"I know you think this protective guy bullshit will make her like you, but she'll always run back to Diggory, not you. I mean look at you, you're a monster and the son of a murderer, so you can suck up to her all you want, the Hufflepuff always wins her over." Cormac laughed.

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