28 | The Duel

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warning ; violence

"I really don't want to do this." Hermione sighed, trying on all of her librarian style dresses.

"You'll have fun, trust me I hated going when Theodore used to make me, but I actually made a lot of friends there and everyone's nice." I say, zipping up my own dress.

"I feel like I'm too underdressed. Look what I'm wearing compared to you." She frowned.

She wore a long flower designed dress, and I wore a shorter flowed out black dress, plain and simple.

"You can wear one of my dresses Hermione, I have one exactly like this just a different color."

She nodded, I dig into my side of the closet for the red colored dress that matched her personality perfectly.

Handing it to her I watch her eyes widen, "Go try it!" I nudge her into the bathroom.

A few minutes later she comes out and she looks great, "Hermione you look beautiful, don't doubt yourself. The dress looks good on you."

"Thank you Ev, I wonder where Maggie is." She spoke and I shrugged, not saying anything more.

"Just a warning, there will be alcohol at the party, I didn't like it the first time I went, but I only had wine, so don't feel uncomfortable."

"Okay, it's okay I got this." She smiled.

I lead Hermione to the Slytherin common room, Draco meeting us at the door to let us in.

"Granger," He smirked, "Don't speak to me, Malfoy." She snapped at him.

She went in first, I watch Draco roll his eyes, "Enjoy the damn party," He whispered under his breath.

"Woah," Hermione looked around jaw dropped, the room was filled with people and music, good thing someone put the Muffliato spell on the room, or we all would've been in big trouble.

"There's Maggie!" Hermione points, "Actually don't look..." She turns us around.

"What why?" I asked, turning my head to see her.

Bad idea, she was kissing my brother, yuck.

"That's why," She laughed.

"Hey Hermione." Blaise comes up to us, I didn't know they were on first name basis.

"Hello Blaise," She grinned, "Surprised to see you here, a party, I mean I know Evelyn is forced to come because of Theodore, but you? That's new."

"Is it bad that I'm here?" She second guesses herself.

"No no, it's great. It's good that you're out trying new things." He smiles.

"Oh, okay good."

"You two have fun, I'll see you around." He moves through the group of people around the room.

"I have no idea what to do at parties." Hermione facepalmed.

"It's okay, the games may be starting soon, for now just talk to people, have a drink, dance."

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