07 | Wand

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The rest of the day at Hogsmeade was so fun, spending time with my favorite people always appealed to my mood.

"So, as your best friend, you never told me about Lorenzo or what happened." Cedric speaks, sitting next to me on the bench.

"It's nothing really, I'm over it."

"You had feelings for him?" He asks, ignoring my request to not talk about Lorenzo.

With a sigh, I answer, "Yes, I did. But those feelings are gone now."

"Are you doing okay?" He looks at me, genuinely, his eyes have softened at my gaze, I know that he cared about me.

"Yeah I'm okay, thanks." I grin, we both stand up, catching up with the rest of the group and leave Hogsmeade.

Monday's were cruel, especially after I couldn't drift off to sleep last night, I was too stuck in my thoughts.

Almost dozing off in Professor Snape's class, a loud burst comes through the door, recognizing Fred and George Weasley's voice.

"Fight outside!" They both yelled in sync, suddenly everybody had sprinted from their seats outside, Hermione and I were tugged along with the other students.

Being dragged outside, there was a crowd of students along the castle, getting pushed and shoved along the way, Hermione, Maggie and I made it to the front of the crowd.

To see who was in the middle of the large crowd caught my surprise, Adrian Pucey on the left and Mattheo Riddle on the right, slowly circling one another.

Of course Adrian Pucey would be the one to try to fight Mattheo Riddle, Pucey always wanted attention.

"Come on Riddle, settle this the old fashioned way, no wands. Everyone here knows you're nothing without your wand and those little tricks Daddy taught you, huh?" Pucey chuckles.

Riddle held up his wand, without a word, tossed it down to the ground aside him.

"You're nothing but a poser, you use your Daddy's reputation to define your own. But everyone knows you're nothing like him."

That had set the taller brunette boy off, he charged at Pucey, his fist connecting to his face, gasps came from the crowd as no one dared to step in to help.

Pucey did get one hit on Riddle, making his lip bleed, but he got it the worse, his face looked awful after Riddle had hit him so many times.

After one one hard punch, Pucey was down on the ground, that was when I notice Theodore stepped near the two.

"Riddle that's enough, leave him." He spoke and my heart was beating so fast wondering if he'd would strike at my brother.

"You're right. I'm nothing like my Father. I'm worse than him." He spat down at the unconscious boy on the ground.

Students began to hurry back inside the castle as Professor's scurried outside to see the incident.

I was pulled along by Hermione to not get caught in the scene, looking back to see Theodore lifting Pucey from the ground, as Riddle had already disappeared.

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