52 | The Truth

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warning ; panic/anxiety attack

"You okay?" I rub Theodore's shoulder, he didn't show his face at dinner, neither speak the rest of the train ride to Hogwarts.

"Yeah." He rasped, holding his arm with his other hand and massaging it.

He turns around to face me, "I'm going to tell you something and I need you to really listen."

His voice is serious, stern even. I nod.

"It's about Riddle. Evelyn I know you take some sort of liking to him. I need you to hear me okay? He's using you, he doesn't want you for anything else but information for his Father."

My expression drops, "What are you talking about? Did he do this to you?" Looking down at his swollen and red arm.

"I just need you to trust me." He pleads, sitting down on his bed and covering his face with his hands, rubbing his eyes in frustration.

"I trust you okay? It's okay." I sit down next to him and lean my head on his shoulder, his hand meets mine and holds it tightly.

"I don't know what's going to happen." He whispered, I have no idea what's going on with him or why he's so upset.

His hands tremble, making me hold them tighter so they'd calm down. "You're okay, Theodore." I lift my head and brush my fingers through his hair gently so it wasn't falling in his face.

"Doesn't fuckin' feel like it." He murmured, lifting his head at the sound of his door opening.

"Thank Merlin Maggie." I sigh in relief, hopefully she could comfort him to make him feel okay.

She strides over to Theodore, giving me a soft smile and wrapping her arms around my brother's neck before embracing him in a hug.

"I'll see you guys later." I smile back. In the back of my mind, I knew something was going on with Riddle and my brother, and it wasn't good news.


"Why have you ignored me?"

Not now Riddle. Not now. Not in the middle of the corridors at night time.

"I'm speaking to you Evelyn, I'd like an answer." He keeps talking, his patience slipping away by the second.

"I don't want to speak to you." I angrily respond to him, gnawing at my bottom lip in nervousness.

"And you called me bipolar? What the hell is your problem?" He whipped me back around to face him completely by taking ahold of my arm.

"My problem is you! Why are you hurting my brother? He hasn't done anything to you!" I furrowed my eyebrows at his cluelessness.

"He told you?"

"No. I found out on my own, I saw it with my own eyes, you're an ass." I respond appalled, biting down on my cheek.

"You're acting quite calm for someone who just had been told their Father wasn't really their Father." He revealed, completely frozen, like the world around me has frozen.

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