40 | Lovegood Lies

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The morning after, my eyes open, the same warmth I felt last night was still present.

I turn to face him, watching his chest rise and fall peacefully, he looked like he needed rest, like he's been awake for days.

The urge I fought to not run my fingers through his soft locks failed.

He laid on his stomach, his back having just as many scars as his front, it made me curious, But I hoped no one was hurting him.

My fingers run though his dark colored curls gently, he was a very quiet sleeper.

I drag my hand down to his cheek, slowly brushing my thumb against the cheekbone.

Suddenly his hand meets mine as he pulls my hand away from his face, his eyes fluttering open.

"Sorry I waked you..." I whisper.

"I was already awake." He rasped, rolling over to look at the time.

"Shit. We're late for charms." He immediately jumps out of the bed, opening his dressers for the proper attire.

"Accio robes." I summon my uniform, I'd waste more time hurrying to my dorm and risk being yelled at even more by my brother, and Professor Flitwick.

I change in Mattheo's bathroom, for a boy, he is very clean and organized, that was one thing I really liked about him.

Flashes of what happened last night play in my mind, and every mark he left on my body was visible without clothes.

Opening the door, Mattheo has his dress pants on with his belt hanging loosely around his waist, and his white button down t-shirt, that was still unbuttoned, what a sight to see.

I caught myself starting, my cheeks flushed as I turn away.

He opens the door, closing it behind us and I hoped I wouldn't get into too much trouble.

"It's nice to see you two join us." Professor Flitwick announces, hearing the sarcasm in his voice.

Theodore glances at me with a scowling look on his face. I wasn't very fond of the lecture to come later.

Sitting down at our tables, I open the textbook and copy down the answers from Theodore's on what I've missed.

"Five points from Slytherin, as well five points from Gryffindor for being twenty minutes late to instruction." Professor Flitwick tapped his wand.

"Where the hell were you?" Theodore whispered, by his voice I could already tell he was aggravated.

"I accidentally slept in..." I whisper back and his jaw clenches, "Bullshit. Maggie said you didn't come back to the dorm last night, and you weren't there this morning."

"I fell asleep at Luna's. You do know I have more friends other than Hermione and Maggie right?" I lie, but I must say I sounded convincing.

"You're telling me you fell asleep at Maggie's sisters dorm? What the hell were you doing there in the first place?"

"Well she offered to study together for an astronomy project. But then she got distracted and started talking about Nargles... and I must have dozed off then since she was blabbing about them forever and ever." I explain.

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