10 | Watch Your Back

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"The hell was that back there, huh?" Theodore pulled me into his dorm, scolding me for my actions earlier against Riddle.

"Me? What about you? You're best friends with the son of a murderer now?" I snap back.

"It's called ally's Evelyn." He responded and I shook my head, "He shouldn't treat people that way just because he knows everyone is afraid of him."

"That doesn't mean you tell him. You don't know what he can do, he will not hold back to hurt you Evelyn." He tried to make me understand the best he could, but I didn't.

"Then he shouldn't be enrolled in this school! If he has threatened and hurt people why is he aloud here?" I frustratedly yell.

"You're forgetting who his Father is. If Dumbledore kicks Riddle out of Hogwarts with no proof that he's been an interruption that'll start a war." He says.

"There is plenty of proof, Theodore. I mean you have to suck up to him to get on his good side, if he even has a good side. Students are petrified just by the sight of him, I think that's enough proof."

"Not enough for Dumbledore apparently." He murmured.

I scoff storming out of his dorm, leaving that argument for another day.

Hermione was told everything that happened at the after party by Maggie and I, and she was worried about Riddle's threat.

"You should go to Professor Dumbledore. He threatened you Ev," Hermione told me.

"I don't think it's a good idea to snitch. He could find out you told on him and then things will be worse." Maggie disagreed.

"Well if he gets relocated to another school, she won't have to worry about him." Hermione explained.

"You're brave Evelyn I'll give you that. I don't think anyone's stood up to him before like that, especially because you did it for Astoria." Maggie says.

"I didn't do it for Astoria, she didn't deserve what happened but I did it for everyone who wouldn't stand up to him either. He's such an arrogant person." I sighed.

"I'm unequivocal that you'll be okay." Hermione softly smiles with her bright vocabulary.

"Yeah. Well I'm off to get my book that I never got the one night. I'll be back before hours." I tell them, seeing them nod I leave our dorm.

I went to return my last book but the librarian was nowhere to be found, instead I slide the book into the thin slot for book returns.

Looking around for other choices, the lights in the library start to flicker and then go off completely, maybe they were closing earlier.

Hurrying to check out my book, I was stopped by a unpleasant sight.

The strident brunette boy I had loathed to see.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, clearly annoyed by his presence.

"Last time I checked the library is for all students." He says incisively.

Ignoring his smart-ass comeback, I go to step around him, getting whipped back around as he grabs my arm.

"Get the hell off of me!" I tried to throw off his strong grip, but it was no use.

"Remember when I told you to watch your back?" He questions, purposely trying to imitate me.

"How could I forget? You made a whole scene." I scoff, slightly flinching at his tight grip on my arm.

"You really can't keep your mouth shut can you? Always have talk back to people who are more important than you."

"I said get the hell off of me." I push his chest with my vacant hand, he didn't budge.

Taking his other hand he had grabbed his wand, pointing it to my neck and daggers it there to cause tension.

"How does that feel?" He asks with an evil smile on his face.

"Get off of me!" I tried to pry him off but it didn't work, feeling the tension of his wand on my neck was blocking my breathing.

He took his wand back, pointing it at me and all I remember was him muttering a spell that had sent me onto the ground, knocking me out.


I didn't remember anything at first when I woke up, Theodore had found me after Maggie and Hermione were worried that I didn't come back to our dorm last night.

"So you don't remember anything?" Theodore asked, I was still slightly stunned and winced at the pain of the ice on my head that Cedric held.

"Not really..."

"Maybe it'll come back to you. Just rest for now, I found you unconscious in the library and you had a bloody cut on your forehead, maybe you tripped." He explained.

I shrugged, laying back on my bed, everyone left the dorm but Cedric who stayed by my side and held the ice to my forehead.

"You doing okay?" He asks, moving a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I think so."

"Be careful Ev, I don't need you to be hurt when my quidditch game is soon." He smirked.

"Wow thanks Ced," I laugh.

"You're my number one fan, I can't have you injured." He smiles, putting the bed sheets over me to warm me up.

He stands up, "I have to get going, but just rest, I'll catch you up on your schoolwork if I have to, but you're excused from classes for now."

"Thank you. See you later." I watch him leave, falling asleep a bit after he left my dorm.

But sleeping didn't do any good, I woke up every time. I kept seeing Mattheo Riddle in my dreams.

In the dream I was in the library, seeing Riddle there he threatened me on watching my back, and then I didn't see anything after that.

I remember not being able to breathe, and then that was it. everything went black and then I woke up.

Then I thought about it, last night was coming back to me, everything that had happened was because of Mattheo Riddle.

Theodore, being right most of the time, just like he said Riddle had dared to come after me.





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