58 | The Legends Of Grindelwald

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The Legends Of Grindelwald

My eyes scan across the title of the brown hard covered book. It wasn't a very thick book, and I'm sure this wouldn't mention anything of Grindelwald ever having a child.

"Thank you so much Harry," I stand up and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

"O—Oh. Of course." He softly smiled, "Professor Filch almost had caught me with the lantern."

"I really appreciate you guys doing this for me. It means so much." I grin, brushing my hand over the book that filled with answers.

"We will always be there for you Evelyn. You just have to fill us in with everything, it's all of us together, okay?" Hermione patted my back.

I nodded. "Let's read, shall we?"

Grindelwald is known as one of the most powerful and dangerous dark wizards of all time. He was born in 1883 and was a contemporary of Albus Dumbledore, the renowned Hogwarts headmaster.

Grindelwald was known for his charismatic personality, strategic mind, and his ambition to establish a new world order where wizards would reign supreme over Muggles (non-magical people). He believed that the magical community should reveal itself to the world and rule over Muggles, considering them inferior and unworthy of sharing the same space.

During his youth, Grindelwald became friends with Albus Dumbledore, and together they planned to find the legendary Deathly Hallows, powerful magical artifacts that would grant their wielder immense power. However, their friendship fractured when Grindelwald's radical ideology and thirst for power became evident.

Grindelwald gained a significant following and created a reign of terror across Europe in the late 1920s and early 1930s. He orchestrated numerous dark and violent acts, manipulating both wizards and Muggles to achieve his goals. Grindelwald had a wide range of magical abilities, including dueling skills, extensive knowledge of dark magic, and the ability to manipulate others through his persuasive rhetoric.

Albus Dumbledore had beaten Grindelwald in a legendary duel in 1945. Grindelwald was imprisoned, and his dark reign came to an end. Nevertheless, his impact on the wizarding world and his ideologies continued to influence subsequent events.

"I don't want to read anymore." I cleared my throat, shutting the book with a thud.

"Headmaster Dumbledore was involved with this Grindelwald?" Ron scoffed, "Bloody hell!"

"I agree with Ron. You should go to Professor Dumbledore and demand answers." Maggie chimed in.

"You all are acting crazy, you can't just go to Dumbledore and demand him to give you answers. What if he doesn't even know that you're his child?" Hermione shook her head in disagreement.

"I don't know how the hell you were put into Gryffindor after Grindelwald being worst than the Dark Lord. I mean he's far more powerful and dangerous." Theodore huffed, facepalming.

"Well my love, maybe because she didn't grow up with him... I mean she doesn't even know who her Mother is." Maggie pats Theodore's head as a sign of sarcasm.

Then, suddenly, Theodore pounces out of his seat, and then I know why when I seen him too.

But I hoped Theodore and Mattheo didn't have it out in the middle of the library, even though we were in the back where no one ever came.

"You need to leave, right now." I hear Theodore's voice as he stomps over to Mattheo who was leaning against a bookcase.

"I know the mood was already depressing, but bloody hell, he really ruins a mood." Ron whispered to Hermione and she nodded her head in agreement.

"I want to talk to Evelyn." Mattheo responded, "Well I'm not letting you fucking talk to her, so you can leave." Theodore bites back.

"Yeah? I have more than enough time. I won't leave until she speaks to me."


"Theodore just leave it." I interrupt, standing on my own and making my way to the both of them.

"No I'm not letting you speak to this asshole!" He says with his teeth gritted and his fists clenched.

Taking a deep breath, "I'll only be a minute."

"You can't be serious?" He looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed, if his jaw could drop to the floor it would.

"Please, go back to the group." I say, walking in front of the boys and hearing Mattheo's footsteps behind me.

I went somewhere more private as he follows me, in between to bookcases where no one could see us and it was a bit dark.

"What do you want?" I asked, I didn't get too far though, his eyes dart to mine as he rushes toward me, his hand grabbing my jaw and immediately smashing his lips to mine.

I gasp into the tense kiss, no matter how much I wanted to kiss him back, I build the strength to push him away, making him stop and step away.

"Mattheo you can't kiss me and expect everything to be automatically okay!" I yelled at him in a whisper, bringing my hand up to my mouth and wiping my lips off.

"What else did you expect me to do?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe an apology?!" I scoffed, "Gosh this was a mistake to speak to you."

"Apologize to you for what? Speaking the truth?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"Fuck you Mattheo. I hate you. Everything you said wasn't true. First I was never with Cormac, you know what he tried to do, you're the one who saved me from it happening," I lift my shirt so the scar he questioned me about was visible, "And second, I didn't deserve this scar because I couldn't shut my mouth. If you must know what happened so bad, My Father— or Theodore's Father, carved into my skin with glass when I was nine years old as a punishment, and it would've been worse if Theodore didn't save me."

I notice his facial expression change. For a moment there was remorse, regret.

"I was angry and I overreacted. I didn't mean anything I said." He murmurs.

"You just said you were speaking the truth, make up your mind."

He takes my hand in his, squeezing it tightly, "I'm sorry for what I said to you."



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