32 | Competition

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I fiddle with the necklace I was given last night, I shouldn't be thinking of him so much, but he crossed my mind every hour.

I continuously zone out, thinking of him and all of his features, his messed up but still perfect brown curly hair, the white buttoned down shirt he wore that was slightly undone at the top so his chest was slightly visible, and gosh his eyes, his honey colored eyes that had sparkled when he was amused, or dark brown that almost looked black when he was aggravated.

Even then, I shouldn't be this caught up on him, after everything he's done to me, he thought getting me a necklace would fix everything?

The guilt I felt deepened, thinking of Cedric, who was perfect and always there for me no matter what. And there I was, thinking about another boy who did nothing but cause me pain.

"You okay?" I feel Cedric's warm and reassuring touch on my shoulder, noticing I haven't touched any of my food.

I lean into his touch, "Yeah, I'm just tired."

"I was thinking we could do something later." He leans down to my level, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Such as?" I smiled, squeezing his hand.

"Not sure yet. Can you come by my dorm after dinner?" He asked, wrapping his arms completely around me.

"Yeah I'll be there, see you in potions?" I look up at him, he nods and pecks me on the lips before going back to his assigned table.

"You guys are the couple everyone else wants to be. I mean, you were popular before, but now you're being talked about all over the school. People think you and Cedric are adorable." Maggie squealed.

"That's creepy," I furrowed my eyebrows, finally picking up my fork and starting on my now cold food.

"There are some boys that are jealous too." She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'm not interested in what people have to say about Ced and I's relationship."

"Not even if... you know who is jealous?" She inquired, I glare at her, is she talking about Riddle?

"Who are you talking about?" Hermione spoke, looking at me clearly.

"No one. She's just messing around." I huffed, sending an annoyed look to Maggie.

Besides the stupid thoughts that intrigued my mind all day, charms was extremely awkward.

I look at Riddle, noticing his eyes darting down to the necklace he gave me only last night.

I hated sitting across from him, I could always feel his eyes burn into mine and it made me uncomfortably shift in my seat.

Luckily, my brother sat next to me, and Lorenzo, who I was now on good terms with sat diagonal from me as well.

"I see you're wearing it." Riddle's voice was so low that only I could hear.

I glare at him, the tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

I didn't say a word, but my eyes told a lot.

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