67 | Week Two

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It's been two weeks without him. I miss him more than anything, but my brother and friends were right. I had to focus on our plan.

After making it to the Malfoy Manor safely, I noticed Hermione was uncomfortable being here. But she did it for me.

Draco's parents aren't exactly fond of muggle borns. Especially his Father, Lucius.

"Thank you for being here." I whisper to her, she smiles back at me softly, letting me know she was okay with doing it.

Before we left, I remember grabbing two things that would make me feel better about Mattheo's situation.

The necklace that he got me for my birthday was now back where it belonged, on my neck.

And a black shirt, one that he always wore. That I was also wearing at this exact moment.

The scent of him fills my senses which made me miss him more than I already do.

It was late when we arrived. So we decided to pick up the plan in the morning, hoping that we would catch Draco's parents on their way out.

"Hey Mione? I'm going to grab a glass of water, you need anything?" I ask in a quiet voice, she rolls over tiredly before mumbling a no.

I slide the sheets off of me, slightly shivering at my bare feet touching the cold wooden floor.

I quietly make my way downstairs, honestly grateful that I was here for Christmas, or I wouldn't have known where anything was.

It was so dark in the kitchen that I couldn't see a thing, my hands slide against the wall until I feel the light switch and flick it on.

And I really wish I hadn't done that.

"Merlin! Oh my gosh— why in here?!" I immediately cover my eyes with my hands.

I discover Maggie with her top off only in a bra, on top of the grant and very expensive counter top, with my very own shirtless brother between her legs, practically eating each others faces.

"Shit— sorry Ev, what do you need?" He asked, finding his t-shirt from the floor and throwing it back on before handing Maggie hers.

"She's seen me with no shirt, we're besties." Maggie giggled, I glare at them both.

"You two share a room. Why did you have to do it on the counter top? What if Draco came down here instead of me? Or even worse, his parents?!"

They both look at me with smirks on their face.

"Okay— you know what? I'll just get that glass of water tomorrow morning. Um— goodnight." I turn around and flick the lights back off, allowing them to continue.

"Night little sis," Theodore calls out as I leave.

I was happy for my brother and my best friend, they were together and they were happy.

But at the same time I was jealous. Jealous because the one I was happy with is now locked up, because of my brother.

I'm trying so hard to see his side. But Mattheo, he ignited a fire inside of me, lighting up a confidence I didn't know was there.

He was like a gem. Rare, not like the others. He was his own person, even if he was a little... moody sometimes.

I know deep down, he is a good person. I know that he's gone through so much, so much more that he hasn't told me.

The scars on his chest, the scars on his arms and more, there was something he never told me, something he was scared to tell me.

At first, he wouldn't let me touch him shirtless, as soon as I would lift my hand to touch him anywhere near his abdomen, he would wince, or make me take my hands away.

I never had a chance to ask him about it. He would distract me with other things so I wouldn't ask questions.

Just as we started to trust each other again, and things were so good, then it was ruined.

Everything changed. But everything was so good, and I didn't even get to tell him that I loved him too.

My feelings for him were the same as his were for me. But I couldn't tell him that, there wasn't enough time.

I hoped that he could hear me, but I know he couldn't. But there was still hope, so very quietly, I whispered to myself.

"I love you, Mattheo."


"Father I've been meaning to ask about one of our guests at the Christmas Eve event," Draco started, I watch as Lucius glanced over at my brother as if the two of them know something.

Theodore nods, and Lucius returns his attention back to his son. "Well I'm waiting."

"There was someone named Evan Rosier at the Christmas Event, we think he may be a connection to Evelyn's real family." Draco explained to his Father.

His Father didn't know that Draco knew the information, as he didn't know I did either.

"I apologize to hear that you know the truth." Lucius glanced at me, his apology wasn't real.

"I don't mean to sound rude. But cut the shit Lucius. Last time I saw you, you didn't feel any remorse for my sister and I. Just get on with it." Theodore spat, making Draco glare back at him.

"He's related to your Mother. Yes." Lucius spoke.

"How?" Theodore asked, taking over from Draco.

"I just want to clarify, your Mother has been missing for years. She's dead. Evan and Vinda were cousins."

"And my Father?" I speak up, now looking Lucius in the eye.

"Your Father?" He repeated, almost as if he was making sure I was telling the truth.

"I know my Father is Gellert Grindelwald. Is he alive?" I snapped back at him, he looks at me sternly.

"I don't know. No one has seen him for a long time." He answered, this time I could tell he was being truthful.

Swallowing my pride, I needed to ask this. I needed to know that there was an escape.

"Is the dark lord planning on setting Mattheo free from Azkaban?" I asked.

Everyone snaps their heads towards me. But I was only staring directly at Lucius, desperate for an answer.

"Evelyn how dare you— how dare you come into my home and accuse my Father of speaking to the dark lord!" Draco yelled at me. Clearly, he didn't know everything that I was told.

Theodore put a hand on Draco's chest, signaling him to calm down.

"Draco, there's a few things you need to be aware of." Lucius says in a sternly tone.



hope you enjoyed!

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