56 | Thief

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warning ; lots of violence, (it's very sad)


"Evangeline give me my wand, I know you stole it, you worthless thief!" His large boots come down to the creaky wooden floor with a thud, his footsteps becoming closer to me by the second.

I hold onto the book of charms that I have found in Father's study and his wand that was in my pocket, with my other hand, clasping onto my mouth to stop me from making any sounds.

Theodore, Father had locked him outside of the house to finish his work in the greenhouse for food, leaving me all alone as I hid underneath Theodore's small bed.

My breathing increases as I see his boots from underneath the bread, the floor creeks as he comes closer, "Evangeline!" His voice echoes throughout the halls, making me jolt up, hitting my arm on the bed frame, making a small but very heard noise.

An item that contained glass shatters, scaring me farther but I keep my mouth covered and worked on slowing my breaths by the exercise Theodore had taught me.

Closing my eyes, I count in my head slowly.





Screaming, I did nothing but scream, Father grabs my arm and drags me from underneath the bed to reveal the book of charms I have snagged, but his wand still hidden in my pocket.

"You dare to try and use charms against me, little girl?" His yell so loud it echoes throughout my ears making them ring.

"No sir— I didn't—"  I stammered, letting the tears fall and wet my cheeks. He pushes me on Theodore's bed harshly, barely opening my eyes to see the smashed glass bottle, noticing the piece of sharp glass in his hand.

"Maybe this will teach you a lesson to not steal others possessions, you piece of shit. You don't deserve anything for your birthday, the worst nine years of my life." He spat, grabbing both of my arms to hold me down.

I cried, screamed, hoping Theodore would show and save me from what was about to come.

The room fills with my screams as they echo throughout the whole house. It feels like a fire burning inside me, starting slowly at first but quickly becoming an inferno. The glass cuts through my shirt, slicing a cut through my skin. My heart pounds and adrenaline rushes through my veins as my body sends out warning signals that something is wrong. My stomach aches, a sharp pain that feels like it's digging in deep and twisting the glass.

His palm meets my cheek, hitting me across the face, "Shut the fuck up!" He screams at me, and I suddenly hear the pounding of the door from outside and a familiar voice yelling.

I could barely see as the tears from my eyes blurred my vision. "Where's my wand you little bitch?" He chuckled, when I didn't answer, the large piece glass sliced farther into my skin, making me scream out loud.

"I didn't take it!" I cried out, trying to fight him off, but only being nine years old, I could barely do anything but lay there and take the pain.

"Liar!" He roared, a yell so loud that drowned out all of my cries, I was waiting to feel something, another sharp pain, another hit to the face, but there was nothing.

I watch Father's body drop onto the ground, Theodore' figure standing behind while holding a bottle that was now shattered over Father's head, the liquid spewing out.

"Is he—"

"He's just unconscious. Can you stand?"  Theodore rushes over to me, helping me sit up but I can't help but flinch when the pain becomes greater.

"It's alright. I got you." He reassures and lifts me off of the bed, taking me out of the house.

He opens the door to the greenhouse, locking it behind him, he moves aside a few garden plants and lifts a trap door, climbing down with me holding onto him tightly.

Covering the trap door behind us, I was taken by surprise of what Theodore had built down here, there was more than enough room.

He lays me down on an old sofa, I wasn't sure where he achieved all these items from, but I was in too much pain to ask.

He opens a drawer, taking out bandages and other items to wipe away the blood.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you." He was shaken up, but I couldn't rely on him either, after all he was only ten years old, only a year older than I was.

"You did. It's okay. He was right, I did take his wand." I sniffled, pulling out the wooden figure from my pocket.

His face lights up, "You're so smart, Ev."

"I was using it to learn healing charms, to try and protect us from the pain, it took me awhile to be able to perfect this one... the only one I could find, it's called Episkey."

"Give it a go." Theodore urged.

"It won't work in it's full form now, I've waited too long to use it. It'll do it's job to make the wound disappear and I won't be able to feel it. But it'll never fully go away, it'll be a scar. Episkey only works fully if you use it when you just had a fresh wound. Five minutes wasted and it doesn't work all the way." I explained, holding the rag to the wound so the bleeding would stop.

"We will just have to keep casting the charm, go on try it out then." He says, holding the rag for me.

"Here goes nothing..." I point the wand toward the wound, "Episkey."

Theodore and I watch as the cut on my stomach slowly disappears along with the blood around it, and I suddenly felt a relief spread throughout my mind.

Theodore pulls me in for a hug, "I won't let him hurt you anymore. Don't worry, it'll all be over soon. I promise."

Even after the wound fades, the memory lingers like a haunting ghost of pain and hurt. I can't forget what happened, and the thought of the hurt stays with me, like a tiny knot in the pit of my stomach that won't go away.


alrighty.... digging into Evelyn's past....



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