66 | Week One

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"We still have a plan, Ev. We need to focus." I feel Maggie's hand on my back.

"If we're leaving tomorrow to find Evan Rosier you need to get your shit together." Theodore spat harshly.

My eyes dart to his, "Someone make him leave."

"This is bullshit. What did you want me to do? He's only going to break your heart Evelyn— please. I can't just standby and let him do that. He hurt you for fucks sake, how can you forgive him?"

"Yes you can just standby! It's my life! Who says you get to control it? I don't care if you want to protect me, we're not even really siblings, just stay away." I yelled at him while my ears ring.

"Ev... you don't mean that." Hermione shook her head, while Theodore stood there with a dumbfound expression on his face.

"Yeah, come on. You're brother and sister no matter what happens." Maggie softly grinned.

"I didn't expect you to agree with me since you're the one dating him. Last time I checked your own sister didn't send the one you love away." I snapped at her.

Theodore scoffed, "You don't love him."

"How would you know?!" My voice raises again, "Because he's fucked in the head! He's unhinged, he can't love. He's damn broken Evelyn. He just can't—"

"And we aren't? Do you remember what we grew up with, it's similar to what Mattheo had to grow up with." I interrupt.

"Well we didn't end up like him did we? Mattheo is exactly like his lunatic Father!"

"Neither is he! I'm sorry that you haven't seen the side of him I have. He cares ab—"

"Don't you dare say he cares about you. A person who cares for you doesn't hurt you repeatedly, don't you get exhausted having to defend him all the time?" He cut me off this time...

"No." I shake my head.

"He's got you wrapped around his damn finger!" He snaps his fingers in front of my face, "Wake the hell up! This is reality."

"Calm down mate..." Draco chimed in.

"He's not what you're supposed to be worried about right now. We are trying to find your family, that's more important." Theodore says, his voice is faint, and I don't want to listen to him.

All I can't think about is Mattheo, people go crazy in Azkaban. I need to help him, somehow.

I knew that I loved him, I have for awhile I just didn't know how to say it.

I was in love with Mattheo Riddle.

"I'm sorry Evelyn. But I'm glad I did what I did. You won't see him ever again, it's better for the both of us." Theodore says.

"Wh— What?" I stammered.

"He was sentenced for life, love." Maggie sits next to me, letting me lean my head on her shoulder.

"But he said he loved me, and I didn't get to say it back. I didn't—"

"Enough with the love crap! He doesn't love you alright? It's bullshit. All he wants is to use you for his Father because you're the daughter of the most powerful wizard to exist!" Theodore interrupted, yelling at me.

"Theodore that's enough!" Maggie spoke up, rubbing my arm to make sure I was alright.

"Why are all of you disagreeing with me? He's threatened every one of you!" His arms are thrown in the air defensively.

"Can you stop arguing and be a supportive brother for once?" Maggie snapped at him.

"I need to see him." I hop off of the bed, I couldn't sit here and wait.

"That's impossible. There's dementors surrounding Azkaban. Even then, I wouldn't let you go. We have a plan and we need to stick to it." Theodore scoffed, shoving the map we need into his pocket.

"I hate to admit it, but he's right you know... we have to follow through with our plan, or all of the rule breaking we just did will be for nothing." Hermione agreed with my brother.

"There's no point. Where would we even start to look for Evan? I say you let Evelyn get her knight in shining armor back." Draco chimed in, he was clearly amused by Mattheo being gone.

"Blimey... shove off Malfoy! You and your bloody ideas only make everything worse. We need to stick to Theodore's plan." Ron scowled at him.

"He's right. We'll ask Malfoy's parents about Evan Rosier, they must know something. Especially if Evan was invited to the event." Hermione said, everyone nodding their heads in agreement.

"Lucius must know something." Theodore mumbled, Draco turned to him with in offense.

"My Father wouldn't know anything of this." Draco responded, Theodore shook his head.

"No Draco. Mattheo and I were pulled into a private room with him and Bellatrix, we had to speak about my sister then, the truth about everything came out, I saw Evan peaking in, he has something to do with this." Theodore explained to him.

I look over at Draco with a pleading expression in my face, hoping that he would do this.

Draco sighed, "Fine. But I will be doing the talking, is that understood?"

Theodore raised his hands in defense, "Whatever floats your boat mate..."

"We will be sneaking into Professor Snape's office early tomorrow morning, none of his classes start until eight, so we'll be on the move two hours before so we don't get crammed by other Professor's or students, does everyone got that?" Hermione planned it out.

We all nod.

"Great. I'll see everyone early tomorrow." Hermione announced, before kicking everyone out of our dorm.

"I know Theodore was overwhelming you. I'm so sorry he was saying those things to you. Evelyn, I want you to be happy, and if you need help to send out a message to Ridd— Mattheo... I will help you." Hermione comforted me, she was strict and followed the rules, but even then she understood what I was going through.

I couldn't imagine Mattheo being stuck in Azkaban for the rest of his life.

I have to help him... somehow.

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