06 | The Blonde

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The rest of the week was quiet and long, but Sunday had finally came.

Hermione, Maggie, the boys and I had planned to go to Hogsmeade for butter beers.

Meaning the boys, I mean Harry, Ron, and Cedric.

I couldn't help but notice the small tension between Harry and Maggie.

And you can tell that Hermione and Ron were a thing too.

"I've been craving butter beer for months. I'm so excited." Maggie is so happy she was acting like a little kid who was handed a lollipop.

She was skipping and hopping to the butter beer shop way ahead of us.

A waitress greeting us and seating us down at a large booth, us girls across from the boys.

"Welcome to The Three Broomsticks. I'm Lenora, what can I get you started with?" The blonde smiles brightly, and I swore I had recognized her from somewhere.

And then it comes to me. The blonde girl who stood in front of us was the same girl who was in Lorenzo's dorm the night I was going to tell him how I felt.

"Wait, you're Evelyn, right?" She must have recognized me too.

"Yes." I answer dryly, I watch Maggie give her a seething look.

"We never had introduced ourselves. I'm Lenora, Lenora Rosmerta." She sets out her hand for me to shake.

Trying to be nice, I take her hand politely to shake, "Evelyn Nott." She nods with a grin in return.

"Rosmerta? Are you the daughter of Madam Rosmerta?" Hermione asks her.

"I am! She owns this place and it gets busy on the weekends so I help out the best I can."

"That's nice of you," Hermione praises her and Maggie elbowed her to shut her up.

"Evelyn I've been meaning to speak to you... while we have the chance do you mind?"

"I do actually, we just want the butter beers and we'll be on our way." I tried to be pleasant, but it was hard after walking in on her and the boy I had feelings for on his bed both topless.

"You two know each other?" Cedric questions.

"You could say something like that." Lenora replies, and that had ticked me off.

"No, she's just the girl I walked in on with Lorenzo." Knowing what I had just said would lead to a quagmire.

Hermione's jaw dropped, Cedric looked the other way to avoid conflict, Harry and Ron looked just as surprised as Lenora's face.

While Maggie seemed proud of my strike of confidence against Lenora to call her out.

"Please, just give me five minutes to explain."
Lenora fiddled with her notepad and pen.

I felt guilty for embarrassing her in the public, it was unlikely of me, so I stood up from the booth, giving her the courtesy for an explanation.

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