24 | Something New

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"Here, now stop bothering me." The brunette slams the paper onto my desk.

"Thank you. Are we still on second name basis?" I question, fiddling with my quill.

"Why shouldn't we be?"

"I don't know, it just feels weird to call you Riddle now. I know we aren't anything but—"

"No one calls me by my first name in this school. You don't make a difference, we are not on first name basis." He cut me off.

"I appreciate the reminder."

We had been dismissed for awhile, Riddle and I stayed behind to 'complete work'.

We've been sneaking around for about two weeks now, things have been great, a few insults here and there but other than that I think we are okay.

I like doing this, I feel good about it and I really hope he feels the same way.

He flips through pages of a book aggressively, I stand up from the desk and come up behind him.

"You're tense." I spoke, my hand touching his lower back.

He whips around quickly, "Listen, no commitment remember? I know you're trying to care for me but I promise you I don't need or want it."

"Well if you wanted to do this whole benefits thing, I think we should be somewhat nice..."

"That doesn't mean I'll tell you my life story, we are not close we are not anything but acquaintances that happen to share tension." He tells me.

"Wow, you really are an ass."

"Indeed." He agreed.

He doesn't let me speak, turning around and pressing his lips onto mine, I melt at his touch, I loved messing around like this.

I kiss him back right away, standing on my tippy toes to deepen the kiss, I guess opposites do attract.

His hands coming down to the back of my thighs and effortlessly lifting me into the air, I gasp and hold onto him tighter.

"Relax," He whispered, setting me onto the desk, before moving my hair behind my ear and placing his lips onto my neck.

I shudder, feeling his hand run under my back, touching my bra strap, is he really going to...

"Hey—" I spoke, my words coming out more as a moan from his constant kissing and sucking at my neck.

"Riddle!" I say, "Mm?" He hummed into my neck.

"I've never done this before."

And just like that it was like something clicked in him, he was off of me in seconds.

"Fucking Hell Nott. Why didn't you tell me that before I mentioned to do this shit?" He runs his fingers through his thick brown curls.

"I thought you knew once I said I haven't seen a guy shirtless before!"

"I thought you were screwing with me or fucked someone with their shirt on cause they were insecure, damn it Nott." He sighed.

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