31 | Birthday Dinner

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"This is beautiful, thank you." I smiled, watching Cedric clasp the silver charm onto the charm bracelet he got me weeks ago.

"Of course." He smiled, intertwining our fingers.

"I know you two are all lovey dove now... but you're not taking our girl away from us!" Maggie shouts from behind, while they all jog up to us.

"Don't worry, she's all yours, when I don't have her." Cedric winked and I laughed.

"Can we get food? I'm hungry." Ron chimed in.

"You're always hungry Ron." Hermione replied.

"Yeah sure, three broomsticks?" I suggested, "It's your birthday love, anywhere you want." Maggie says.

We walk into the Three Broomsticks, being seated at a booth. "Hey Evelyn it's nice to see you again." Lenora comes by with a scratchpad and pen.

"Hey, you too." I grinned, "Special occasion?" She questioned.

"It's Evelyn's birthday." Hermione speaks, "Oh! Happy Birthday, if you want a dessert it's for free."

"Thank you." I smiled.

We start out with our butter beers and then get our main course, Ron inhaled the chicken like someone was going to take it from him.

I feel Cedric's hand on my thigh, rubbing gently with his thumb, and then whispering in my ear, "You look so beautiful."

I try to hide my tomato colored face, squeezing his hand that was resting on my thigh.

"You both are so cute together, I'm glad it finally happened." Hermione spoke.

"I'm with Theodore, Ev is with Cedric, what about you Hermione?" Maggie asks.

Ron's face lights up red, almost choking on his chicken.

"What about me? I'm not with anyone." She replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah okay." Maggie said sarcastically.

"How's Cho?" I asked Harry, I really couldn't believe they were back together.

"She's good. I was going to bring her tonight but she was busy with homework." He tells me.

"Theo!" Maggie squeaked, standing up from the booth and immediately running into my brother's arms.

"Hey babe," He muttered, kissing her forehead.

I thought my brother and Maggie were good together, she would keep him in line and from doing anything stupid.

Along with Theodore his friends walk in too, Blaise and Draco.

"Hey love, happy birthday." Draco reaches out his hand to mine and I take it, watching him plant a kiss on my hand.

"Thank you." Well he's in a good mood.

Cedric wasn't the biggest fan of my brother's friends, but he dealt with it for tonight.

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