19 | Friend Zone

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"Theodore please stop ignoring me." I sit across from him at his lunch table.

"Hey there," Blaise cheekily smiles.

"She's your sister, siblings fight. Stop being a baby and talk." Draco steps in.

"I think for the first time I actually agree with the ferret." Blaise agreed.

"Shut the hell up, Blaise." The blonde snapped back at him.

I go completely silent, watching the brunette sit down across from me, eyes piercing into mine.

Theodore scoffed and got up, leaving the room.

"Any bread?" Blaise asks Riddle, "No." He answered, sipping whatever liquid was in his silver colored flask.

"I'm going to try to talk to Theodore," I stand, "Good luck, love." Draco pats my back.

I head out of the room, looking down the halls for a trace of Theodore, but none was found.

"Evelyn?" Cedric appears out of nowhere.

"Geez, Ced you scared me," I sighed, a hand placed on my chest where my heart beat quickly.

"Can we talk? It's kind of important to me." He murmured, fiddling with his hands out of nervousness.

"Sure, just after I make things right with my brother, we haven't been okay recently." I tell him and he shook his head.

"It'll be quick, I just need to tell you."

"Okay," I huffed, "What's up?"

"I want to be with you, Evelyn. I like you a lot, you're beautiful, you have a humor, and I love to be around you all the time, I just need to know that you feel the same way." He confesses, ruffling his hands through his hair.

I look at him, watching his eyes that screamed for my approval, then realizing I can't say yes to him.

I've liked him, I apparently fancy him because I smelled him in the Amortentia. He was a great person, he's been there for me always.

Why can't I say yes? Why can't I be in a relationship with my best friend I've known forever?

"Cedric, I love you so much..." I start, seeing his eyes that immediately glow.

"But as a friend." I finished, and his whole expression changes.

"I don't understand, I thought you felt the same, I mean I kissed you and you seemed to like it." He expresses, I could see in his face that he was now worried for our friendship.

"I was more shocked than anything. I didn't know how to tell you before, I didn't want to hurt your feelings, you looked so happy." I explain.

"Did I do something wrong?" He questions, "No, you're perfect... I just can't be in a relationship with you right now."

"Is it him?"

"Who?" My eyebrows furrowed, he gulped before he spoke, "Riddle, is he why you won't be with me? Because I promise you he can't give you anything you're looking for."

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