14 | Girl Talk

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"You're an arrogant ass." I angrily spat at him, "Mm, Bite me." The brunette replied, recalling my words a few days ago.

We were still close, he looks down at me with penetrating eyes, "In your dreams Riddle."

He raises a brow, and I couldn't believe I was still standing here this close to him.

"You know you have a touch of hazel in your eyes." I spoke.

"Thanks for enlightening me." He responded, "Riddle you don't look so scary up close."

"Come on Redhead, you know I'd kill you right now if my little agreement didn't stand with your brother." He twirled my hair between his fingers.

I hit his hand away, being this close to him had my breath caught in my throat, and the only thing I could think was how in the hell did he smell so good?

"I wear cologne and shower daily," He answered, reading my mind as I stood there silently.

"I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of my head." I seethed, "I bet you think of me naked when you're alone."

"No I do not! You are so gross." I turn the other way, finally taking a few steps back so we weren't so close.

"Your mouth says a lot of hateful things about me, but in that pretty little mind of yours, you do nothing but admire me." He spoke sternly, with a small grin on his face, bastard.

"If you think I fancy you Riddle, you're wrong. I have no feelings for you but hate."

"Good. The feelings are mutual." He agreed.

"Good." I snapped, turning on my heel and leaving him alone in the halls.


"No! He just stands there like an idiot with a stupid smirk on his face. He effortlessly makes me angry! And with those stupid comebacks too. I can't stand him." I rant to Hermione and Maggie.

"I think you're thinking too much of this. I mean look at you, you're pacing the room and freaking out over Mattheo Riddle." Maggie spoke.

"Uh, Ev, you don't think you're beginning to feel something towards him are you? He's all you've talked about for the past hour." Hermione chimed in.

Standing there jaw dropped in front of the two girls in front of me, "Hermione Granger how dare you say that to me."

"I'm just saying Evelyn. I don't want you to be influenced by someone like him." She shrugged.

"Maybe she can fix him." Maggie winked with a laugh, disgusting, literally disgusting.

Ignoring Maggie's stomach turning comment, I turn to Hermione, "Hermione please. He's worst than Cormac McLaggen. You don't have to worry, he's dangerous and I could never even imagine being with someone like him."

"Okay. I understand, I apologize for my assumption." She says, heading into the bathroom for a shower.

"Love, if you feel the tiniest bit of something for him. I won't judge you, you can't help who the heart wants, okay?" Maggie whispered.

"Thanks Maggie. I see you learned that quote from my brother. But you won't have to say that, because there is no chance at all that I feel something for him, I just want it to be dropped."

"Gotcha, backing off." She smirked.

"Hey wait... I've been meaning to speak to you about a certain someone." I sit next to her on her bed.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well I have a feeling that you've gotten closer with Theodore. And we have this agreement where we can't date each others friends, but I just want you to know if you feel anything for him I'm okay with that and you can be with him if you would want to." I explain.

"Awe Ev, you're the sweetest thank you. I was over Harry the minute I saw him trying to get with Cho Chang. I guess he didn't like me like that. But your brother is so great, really he is and I think I like him." She smiles.

"Then you go for him, I'm sure he likes you too. But Harry and Cho? Again?"

"Yeah. Cho was dating Cedric for awhile and they've been broken up for a long time, I guess Harry and Cho have been talking for a long time without me knowing, I don't hold it against him, I didn't tell him my feelings and I now just think we are better off as friends." She tells me.

"Cho and Cedric." I repeat, throwing up at the thought. I didn't think they looked good together.

"Not my cup of tea either, speaking of Diggory... what happened with him huh?" She questioned.

"I'm so tired of talking about boys...but... he did say he liked me. I think I ruined it though, I ran off so embarrassed after the secret got out that I smelled him in my Amortentia."

"Do we like him?"

"Yes we like Cedric. But I don't know if I like him. He's been my best friend since first year and if we spice things up in our relationship I don't want to ruin that, I will forever regret losing our friendship." I retorted.

"Take it slow, and talk to him, Cedric is a very understanding and sweet person, he will completely know where you're coming from. And if you feel it won't work between the two of you, you could both agree and go back to best friends." She suggests.

"Thank you. You're the reason I don't have to pay for a therapist." I grin and she grins back certainly amused.

I move to my own bed and flick the light off which ended up in Hermione yelling at me for because she couldn't see when she came back into the room.

"What were the two of you talking about? All I could hear was muttering." Hermione wonders.

"Just boys," Maggie responded.

"Oh well, nice to know. I'm not interested." She smiles brightly and flicks the light off herself.

"Night ladies." Maggie announces.


sorry for the boring-ish chapter and long wait for this update. i hope you enjoyed and we are getting somewhere with the boys!! upcoming drama soon!! hope you're ready :)

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