50 | New Years

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"Let's go!" Maggie skips ahead of us, forcing Theodore with her making him almost trip and fall flat on his face.

"Blimey... there goes crazy and her sidekick. She's a nightmare, I'm telling you." Ron mutters, shaking his head with his eyes widened.

"Will you just shut up Malfoy? Merlin why did you have to take him with you Evelyn?" Hermione complained, swatting her hand away from Draco's and her lips turn into scowl.

"I'm not a dog! She didn't take me with her. I chose to come on my own." He looks at her offended, rolling his eyes.

"Yes well you chose wrong. No one wants you here." She scoffed, crossing her arms to her chest and walking a good distance from him.

"Fuckin' Mudblood." He whispered underneath is breath, only I heard. I nudge his arm with my elbow and glare up at him.

"What? What did I say?" He throws his hands up in the air defensively, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Call her that again and you'll be on your way home, understand me?" I seethed, pursing my lips to signal that I was annoyed at him, making my point across and through his thick head.

"Sorry Mother." He gnawed on his bottom lip, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

We arrive at The Three Broomsticks, being seated at a booth as all of order butter beers.

Every place in Hogsmeade was open later for New Years, and everywhere was crowded, making it harder to get into places.

"Can you move your damn leg?" Draco nudges his knee against mine.

"Well if you didn't take up the whole booth I'd wouldn't be a problem!" I hiss, reaching underneath the table and rubbing my knee.

"The two of you can't go anywhere without arguing like children." Theodore rolls his eyes, sipping the butter beer that the waitress returned with.

We hear yelling from the bar side of the restaurant, all snapping our heads to the commotion we heard.

"I'll give you three seconds before I smash your fucking head into the side of this counter."

I know that voice from anywhere, the harsh threats and violence in his voice, Riddle was here, and I had no idea why.

The violence escalates, "Merlin, why is this asshole here?" Theodore grumbled.

I watch as Riddle grabs the side of the dark haired man's head, slamming it down onto the counter, not doing much damage, the man retaliates and his fist meets Riddle's face at least three to four times before he's leaning back into the bar.

"Oh my gosh—" I rush out of the booth, every part of me telling myself to not go over there. But I couldn't sit there and watch him get hurt.

"Don't fucking go over there." Theodore grabs my hand, pulling me back towards the booth but I fight off his grip, "He's getting hurt!" I shake my head in disagreement.

Gasping, I watch Riddle finally retaliate, hitting the man over and over and over again, taking the glass bottle of liquor and breaking it over his head, the man falls over from the shatters of glass cutting him, hitting the floor with a big thud.

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