21 | Loose Ends

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"You need to talk to him." Maggie and I walk side by side in the halls.

"No. I haven't seen his face in a week besides in classes, he's made it clear he doesn't want to speak to me." I answer.

"Love, you need to. You're obsessing over this one kiss you've had a week ago. I think it's time to talk to him about it." She says.

"It was actually more than one kiss, I must say it was getting a little steamy in there." I admit, well I did practically make out with him.

"Thank you for the information I did not need, or want to hear. I will use the brother card if you don't speak to him soon." She threatened.

"You will not! You promised to never tell Theodore, that's a secret that goes to the grave." I stop in my tracks to glare at her harshly to make my very serious point.

"Well then, I suggest you put your big girl pants on, and go to his dorm to talk, not to eat each others faces." She smiles innocently.

I playfully nudge her arm, "Gross Maggie! I don't even like him like that. It was just a moment, a very irresponsible one at that." 

"I'm just saying, plus if you bring up the subject before he does it automatically makes you ten times more attractive." She adds.

"Stop trying to sweeten the pot, how does that even work?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"It just shows you're taking control of the situation and that you're more mature, and guys seem to like that, especially the one you're after." She winked.

"I'm so done with this conversation now. I am not after him, he is a demon on earth!" I respond.

"Whatever whatever, just talk to him, promise me. I know you won't admit it but it's obvious you're worked up about this situation." She holds out her pinky for me to link with.

I sighed, taking her pinky in mine to shake, "I promise."

"Good. I'll see you later." She heads the opposite way that I was going.


Not feeling hungry from the nervousness taking over my thoughts, I decide to leave the Great Hall, and go to the only place I was now dreading.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer, I knew he had to be here, he didn't show up to dinner time often.

The breeze from the door opening hits me square in the face, I surprisingly gasp and can't help myself as my eyes roam all over his bare chest and stomach.

His hair was freshly wet, with only a towel wrapped around his waist loosely clearly showing his v-line.

He had a few scars over his abdomen, other than that he had the features of a Greek God.

His muscles appealed nicely, but I couldn't let him know that, or let him know I was thinking about that.

"You don't answer the door when you're naked!" I facepalm, hiding my face from his beautiful God like body.

"Would you stop knocking if I didn't?" He spoke.

Good question, probably not.

"Okay but you could've just— thrown on something quickly!" I stuttered, my cheeks heating up quickly.

"Relax, it's not like I'm completely naked. You act like you haven't seen a shirtless guy before." He says.

I don't say anything, and he looks at me shockingly.

"You haven't seen someone shirtless before?" He questioned and I shook my head no.

"Maybe you are as innocent as everyone says."

"Uh, besides the point... can I come in?" I ask, fiddling with the bracelets tied tightly around my wrists.

"For what?" He raised a brow.

"I need to talk to you about something." I explain and I can hear his quiet sigh.

He opens the door wider, signaling me to enter, "Clothes first!" I speak and he rolls his eyes.

"You're dramatic." He shuts the door in my face, before opening it again a minute or two later.

"Much better." I grinned, happy with the grey joggers and white t-shirt he was now wearing.

"I wanted to talk about—"

"Whisky?" He cuts me off, offering me a glass.

"No... can you be serious please?" I cross my arms to my chest, glaring at him.

"I'm listening Nott, even though there is nothing to talk about." He spoke.

"Really? Nothing?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"Nope." He chugs down the whisky like it's a cool beverage on a hot summer day.

"Are you just going to ignore what happened?"

"What happened?" He questioned.

"Can you stop acting like you're clueless for two seconds and talk about this please." I snap.

"What's there to talk about Nott? You kissed me, I kissed you back, it's over and done with, happened a week ago and we both agreed never to tell anyone about it neither speak of it, and here you are speaking of it, it was just a damn kiss Nott, get over it." He snapped back.

"But you—"

"No. I don't like you because I kissed you back, don't think you're someone special. I don't do commitment type shit. Sure, I have multiple hookups here and there, but it's not like they mean anything to me. It's a one and done thing, that's how it works."

"Fine. But If you didn't want me to question it then you should've told me this before you decided to kiss me back." I say.

"It's self explanatory." He responded.

"No it is not! Usually when you kiss someone, that means it's a start of something more." I explained and he chuckled.

"You're telling me... that you expected I'd want to start something with you because of a damn kiss? Nott, you need a reality check."

"Just as I was starting to get onto okay terms with you, you act like an ass again." I huffed.

"Comes with the package." He winked.

"At least I now know where we stand, just how we did before that night." I spoke in an angry tone.

"Great, you can leave." He smiles sarcastically.

"Gladly." I whip around and slam his door behind me, hoping he could almost feel the anger radiating off of me.



anyways i hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!! thank you for 5k reads :))

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