64 | Strawberries

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"I still can't believe he's your boyfriend." Maggie says with her eyes widened, shaking her head.

"Speaking of the devil." Ron scoffed, Maggie and I look over to see Mattheo walking into the Great Hall. Weird, he never shows his face at dinner.

"Merlin! Is that what you did to him?" Maggie asked jaw dropped, I always tried to cover hickeys, but Mattheo had no problem showing them off.

"Gosh, look at the bruises on his neck." Hermione commented. I notice most of everyone in the Great Hall was staring at Mattheo.

He spots me and my heart stops as he makes his way over to me.

"Hi," I smiled up at him, he tilts my head up, leaning down and stealing a kiss from me, in front of everyone...

I'm well aware I wanted a public relationship, but I wasn't ready for the lecture from my brother later on.

I hear gasps from around the room, but honestly, I didn't really care of what people thought of our relationship.

"You're coming to my dorm tonight?" He asks, running his hand down my lower back.

"I'll be there," I grinned, "Aren't you hungry? You haven't ate all day."

"No. I'm fine." He answered, but I didn't believe him. I take a strawberry from my plate and pop it into his mouth before he could say anything else.

"Good right?" I raise a brow, because I knew I was right. He definitely liked strawberries now.

"Mm." He hummed. "See you tonight," He kissed me once more, I tasted the actual strawberry on his lips.

I watch him walk away, but Maggie tears away my stare, "Someone looks angry..."

I look over at the Slytherin table, Astoria was glaring at me and looked disgusted.

But I didn't care. It wasn't like Mattheo wanted her in the first place. Is that mean to say? Oops.

Leaving the Great Hall, I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around, seeing a dark haired brunette girl right in front of my face, it was Astoria. What did she want from me now?

"You're a slut, you know that Nott? You go from Lorenzo to Cedric and now my boyfriend? He doesn't want you, stop trying to ruin everything!" She seethed, crossing her arms to her chest.

"I thought you were with Blaise. Or was it Adrian? Hm... wasn't it my brother in the beginning of the year and Mattheo? You have no right to call me that. And he isn't your boyfriend, he's mine. Didn't you see the marks on his neck?" I chuckled, I didn't feel threatened at all by Astoria, she was just jealous that I had something she didn't.

"Whatever. He'll probably cheat on you anyway. He doesn't really take an interest in relationships neither commitment." She rolled her eyes.

I scoffed, "And you know him so well? He only wanted you because he wanted to make me jealous, he's admitted it to me, so drop the act."

Her face lights up red, "You're lying."

"That's why he's mine and not yours." I say and with that I walk away from her, she only took an interest in Mattheo because he's powerful and hot. I didn't want to hear anymore of her lies either.

I was excited for tonight, spending the evening in my boyfriend's dorm. It felt weird to call him that, in a good way though, I'm glad he's mine.

I made my way to the Slytherin common room and the dormitories, when I knocked on the door I realized it was already open, he always locked his door before.

When I open the door in concern, I spot him laying on his bed with a book in his one hand, and tossing strawberries up into the air and catching them into his mouth with his other hand.

A very interesting sight to see but I wasn't complaining. Every time he glanced up to see the strawberry in the air his jawline was more prominent then it already was. For Merlin sakes Evelyn, he's just eating strawberries stop thinking like that.

"Enjoying the strawberries I see? I told you they were good." I smiled, standing by the doorframe. He looks over at me, "They're pretty good."

"I know. You should try dipping them in chocolate, makes them even better." I stride over to the bed to be closer to him.

"I don't like chocolate." He answered and I thought my jaw had dropped to the floor.

"What! Who doesn't like chocolate?!" I jump onto his bed and crawl over to where he was sitting, "Me, I hate it." He murmured.

"Well you hate a lot of things so I am not surprised." I laughed, laying down flat on his bed.

He hummed in response, "Mattheo, guess what happened earlier!"

"Why would I have any idea? I wasn't with you." He answered and I frown at him, he was always so serious.

"Astoria came up to me and was talking about you." I tell him and he finally takes his eyes off of the book he was reading and looks at me... "Yeah? What did she say? That I'm the best kiss she's ever had?" He asks, clearly interested in her.

"So you have no care for anything else I say but when I bring up Astoria you're suddenly Interested?" I quirked a brow while his furrow.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Mhm," I hummed, looking away from him. He really does not know how to be a boyfriend.

I gasp as he suddenly grabs my jaw and forces me to look at him, our faces were so close that we were breathing the same air. "I don't know how to do this, okay? But I'm trying to make it work, for you. I'm not good at this and I don't know how to express what I feel."

I don't say anything, I just sit there and look him in the eye, watching his pupils enlarge.

"But I know that I want you, and I can't stay away from you. I want to protect you and I want to be the first person you see when you wake up. And I have no fucking idea how to show that to you..." He mumbled, likely hoping I wouldn't hear those words.

Mattheo wasn't used to being so vulnerable or showing feelings that he cares. But he was trying for me and it meant everything.

"You want to show it to me, hm?" I questioned.

He nods.

"Take me on a date."




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