60 | Breaking In

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"I met Grindelwald when I was seventeen years old. We only spend two months together and I met him in Godric's Hollow where we both grew up. We were childhood friends." Professor Dumbledore starts, "He was mysterious, highly intelligent, the smartest man I've ever met. He could do things that I've never seen before, he was one of the best wizards in the world."

"Why are you talking about him in past tense?" I asked, fiddling with the buttons of my top in nervousness.

"He hasn't been seen in a long time, so it has been said that he is... dead." Professor Dumbledore answered.

"Do you know who my Mother is?"

"Her name was Vinda, Vinda Rosier. She was the most loyal to Grindelwald. Then again, I have no clue of her whereabouts now." He spoke sternly, "I assume you've read about Grindelwald's sorcery?"

I nod. "Some."

"He was bright. Incredibly talented. He could do things no other wizard could perform. Then the thirst of power had got to him."

"You wanted to see me?" A voice interrupts our conversation, I don't turn around because I already knew who it was.

"Yes, Mr. Riddle." He signals him to sit down, "Ms. Nott, keep that thought. We will meet again soon."

I didn't say anything, I stand from one of the two chairs in front of his desk, without even looking at the person in front of me, I leave the office.


"Vinda Rosier, I feel like I've heard that name before." Hermione spoke, the look on her face showing that she was trying to remember.

"At Draco's Christmas Eve event, there was a man with the last name Rosier..." I swallowed thickly, all of us trying to make connections.

"Evan Rosier. My Mother's cousin. His Mother, Adele. Who he was there with, and his Father Axel. Then his sister, Alexandra." Draco explained.

"Where does Vinda come into this?" Hermione questioned. "I don't know, but I bet that asking Evan is your best guess." Draco responded.

"Well first we'd have to break in to Riddle's dorm to get floo powder, Colin Creevey had snagged a picture of him stealing it from Dumbledore's office, he didn't get too far though, Riddle threatened him and broke his camera." Theodore chimed in.

"I'll do that. Remember when you tried to steal his wand and it didn't go that well for you?" I insisted.

"You better be careful." He quirks a brow.

"Fuck! If this Vinda Rosier is your Mother, and my Mother is related to Evan Rosier... we could be related!" Draco complained, covering his face in his hands.

Draco and I related? Gross...

"It would be perfect to go now. Last time I saw Riddle he was still at Dumbledore's office." Harry speaks, "You get us in and we'll cover for you, yeah?"

"Right now? You mean right this second? Are you sure this is a good idea?" I stammered, looking around at everyone.

"It's perfect! He's occupied by Dumbledore and you have time to swoop in there, grab what we need and leave." Ron smirked in agreement with Harry.

With a sigh, "Fine."


"Alohomora." Hearing the lock click, opening the door as it creeks, it was pitch black dark in here.

"Hurry up," Theodore whispered. I nod, closing the door behind me.

"Lumos." A light as bright as the sun flickers from my wand, I look around, everything was so familiar.

I start at his desk, going through the drawers and finding nothing, on top of his desk sat a gold chain with an emerald pendant.

It was the necklace he gave me awhile ago, but the chain was fixed, he must have fixed it from when I accidentally broke it when I ripped it off my neck in anger.

My heart pounds as I swipe up the necklace and throw it into my pocket. I honestly had no thoughts on why I took it.

I lean down, lifting the sheets up on his bed and seeing multiple drawers, opening the first one, and to my luck, there it was.

I hurry and grab the floo powder, sliding the sheets back down and as I was about to leave, the knob turns making me panic.

"I wouldn't expect you to break into my dorm."

"What did you do to my friends?" I asked, trying to peek out but he closed the door.

"They wouldn't leave on my command so I had to take it to my own hands, don't worry, they're fine." He answered.

"I needed something. That's why I came here." I tell him the truth, looking down at the ground.

"You could've just asked me for it."

"Really? And you would've just given it to me out of the kindness in your heart?" I chuckled, I mean honestly.

"Guess you'll never know since you've broken into my dorm already, give it." He holds his hand out, waiting for me to give him back his stolen possession.

Then I had a thought. I take out the necklace from my pocket and lay it in his hand.

"You came here to take the necklace that you threw at me?" He raises a brow, his suspicion growing larger.

Without a word, I nod.

"Why are you taking the floo powder?" He questioned, standing there like we had all the time in the world.

"I'm not." I lie, hopping I could get away with this, but it's Mattheo Riddle, what am I thinking?

"Right. So it's not in your left pocket, huh?" He takes a few steps closer while I was frozen in my stance.

"Evanesco." I mumble underneath my breath.

"What was that?" He titled his head, reaching his hand and letting it fall onto my hip, then slowly sliding down into the pocket of my robe.

A smirk creeps up onto my lips when he finds nothing.

"Looks like you were wrong, I'd think twice next time when you try to blame me for something I didn't do. Even if I did have the floo powder, why would I get it from you? I'd ask Professor Dumbledore of course. Unless you've stolen it, I assume Professor Dumbledore wouldn't be happy about that..."

"Well played." He muttered as I leave his dorm and close his door behind me.


hope u enjoyed

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