05 | The Beautiful and The Damned

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Reading was something I was strongly passionate about. I had a bad habit of getting lost in books while in class instead of doing my work.

"Isn't that right Ms. Nott?" Professor Sinistra snapped me out of my train of thought.

"Sorry Professor." I shut my book and put it to the side, my cheeks lit up red from the embarrassment.

I left class in a hurry, and when I leave in a hurry it makes me feel as if I forgot something, but I was sure I didn't.

Walking into the Great Hall for supper time, I take my seat next to Hermione and Maggie, across from Ron and Harry.

"Where are you going?" Maggie asks watching me stand up after finishing my fruit.

"I'm not that hungry, I'm going to go to the library and check out another book, I finished my other one in Astronomy." I tell her.

"Okay, see you in the dorm." She smiles.

I take off to the library, my white colored one strap bag slumped over my shoulder.

Looking through the many books, I find one that interests me, I've read Romeo and Juliet many times, but it never hurts to read again.

"Ah ah, Ms. Nott, you know the rules. You must return your last book before checking out another." Madam Prince stops me from taking the book from it's shelf.

"Of course." I reach into my bag, and my heart skips a beat when I don't feel anything but my study notebooks.

Madam Prince raises a brow, not happy with me, "I swear I have it. I don't know..." I think for a minute, remembering that I had set it off to the side in the Astronomy tower.

"I must have left it in the Astronomy tower earlier." I tell her and she crosses her arms.

"I then suggest you go achieve the book and return it, then you may check out Romeo and Juliet... for the one hundredth time." She says.

"Yes Madam," I hurriedly make it to the Astronomy tower, I hate seeming irresponsible.

Especially to Madam Prince, she's already a hoarder of a librarian.

Speeding up the steps of the Astronomy tower, which take the life out of me, I hate steps.

I make it to the top and sit my back down at the entrance, looking around for my book where I had left it earlier.

"Looking for something?" The sudden voice startles me, keeping a breath locked in my throat.

The light of the moon shining down into the tower, I could see who the husky voice belonged to, of course I'd run into him.

"Yes actually. My book, I left it here by accident." I spoke, "You mean the book you were reading in the middle of class?" He questions.

"Yes," I answer shyly, biting the inside of my cheek nervously, "Have you seen it?"

"Perhaps... The Beautiful and The Damned, I pity romance novels." He takes a step closer and I was able to see more of his face from the moonlight.

"Well then good thing it isn't yours. Give it back please." I murmured, trying to stay confident.

"You know, you should really take more value to your belongings. Something irreplaceable could happen to them." He was closer now, handing out the book to me just close enough to where I could reach with the length of my arm.

"Is that a threat?" I grab ahold of the book but he didn't let go, I let out a sudden gasp as he pulls the book back to himself, along with me who still had a firm grip on it.

"It could be." He whispered, we were too close for my liking, and then he let go of my book and turned his back on me.

I should've ran away right at that moment, my heart was beating a million times faster, but the curiosity running throughout my veins stopped me.

Don't I remember the last time curiosity took over me?

"Why are you hiding up here?" I ask, taking a few steps backwards to keep a good distance.

"I'm not hiding, redhead."

"Can you stop calling me that? I don't like it." I snap at him, I was standing there like an idiot.

"I don't care what you do or don't like. I don't care about you at all as a matter of fact." He chuckles.

"I never said you had to care. It's a thing called respect. Which you clearly don't have the decency for it." I spoke sharply at him.

"I don't like the way you speak to me." He seethes, his eyes observing every part of me.

"I don't like the way you speak to me either. But as you said, I don't care what you do or don't like." I recall his words.

"Have to do something about that mouth of yours, yeah?" He takes a step closer and I take one back.

"Excuse me?" I now stand my ground, he may be the son of you know who, but who does he really think he is talking to someone like that?

"I don't think you're as innocent as everyone says you are." And in one slick move, a blink of an eye, I feel his wand against my throat, not being able to move or breathe.

My whole body trembled, I was terrified of what he was going to do next.

"I don't play nice redhead. I get what I want when I want it, speak to me like that again and you won't see another day." His eyes sharp, like blades that cut deep into mine to know that he was completely serious, and without any doubts, he would hurt me with no remorse.

"And yes, that is a threat." He harshly shook me back away from him, letting me almost crash back into the wall before gaining my balance back.

Something tells me that this was only the beginning, if this was him being somewhat decent I wonder what him being totally reckless was like.

Actually, I don't wonder, why the hell would anyone want to?

I had sprinted back to my dorm, I wasn't going to tell anybody what had happened in the Astronomy Tower, especially Theodore.


Q: how was it????

by the way, if you think Mattheo is mean now, just wait. because to him this is technically him being nice, if he was completely himself he'd right away just avada kedavra Evelyn if she spoke to him like that lol.

anyways im very active this week so expect more chapters this week!!! or maybe even later :)))

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