71 | Trust Me

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warning ; MENTIONS of a suicide attempt, child abuse/neglect, scars

"I'm not stronger than him. You're going to be in danger as long as your with me." He whispered, sitting on my bed as I stood in front of him between his legs.

"You're one of the strongest and smartest people I know. But Mattheo, I want to know you."

He looks at me, "Know what?"

"Everything. Your past, your likes, your dislikes, your... scars. I want to know everything about the person I love."

I feel his body tense. "Evelyn I can't—"

"Do you trust me?" I ask him, my hand resting on his leg. He keeps the eye contact, hesitating to answer.

"Yes." He answered quietly, "Then trust that I would never judge you."

"My likes... I like you. I like beating anyone's ass who dares to touch you. My dislikes... everyone else but you." He starts and I can't help but laugh.

"You're being sweet. I like this side of you." I run my fingers through his soft hair.

I gasped as he effortlessly grabs the back of my thighs and pulls me closer to him, making me straddle his lap.

Our lips were so close. We haven't kissed in so long, just as I thought he was going to kiss me, he dodged my lips and whispered in my ear, "Take off my shirt."

Confused, I do as he says, my hands traveling to the hem of his shirt and lifting it.

Once it's off I throw it to the floor, my hands touching his heated chest. My finger tracing the scars.

"I was twelve. My Father made an x on my chest with his wand because he said he should've killed me when he got the chance." His voice is quiet as he explains the scars my finger traced.

I lean my head down, peppering kisses over the scar, I feel his muscles tense at this, but not in a bad way.

"This one?" I ask, my head popping back up, our lips close again, I watch his eyes flick down at mine while his breathing increases.

"Fifteen. I was caught trying to let a prisoner escape my Father." He answers.

Like I did for the first one, I kissed his skin, his breathing becomes hitched.

I didn't care how long it took. I kissed every scar that was on his chest and stomach, letting him explain every single one.

I lift his arm, "These?"

He pulls his arm away from me refusing to make eye contact. But I wasn't going to let him close out of his feelings now.

"Hey," My hand meets his jaw, turning his head so he would look at me. "I won't judge you, every scar you have just adds to how perfect you are."

He takes a deep breath. "I watched my Father kill my Mother at a young age. I didn't think I could survive without her,"

I'm silent as I listen to every word.

"He found out I was escaping to research anyway possible to bring her back. But my Father found out, and my Mother was a threat to him. After he found out, things weren't good. He did things to me I couldn't explain to you. It was never ending torture. I didn't think I would live another day if I did survive the torture, while I was locked in the dungeon he had created, I tried to take my own life with a piece of glass of a window that I smashed. I almost succeeded in doing it, but then I saw my Mother. I didn't know how, and somehow she had healed me, she didn't let me take my life even though hers was already taken by another. She made me stay, she saved me."

"Mattheo... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve any of that, you were just a kid." It hurts my heart that he tried to end his life at such a young age.

"She should've let me do it." I hear him whisper.

"Don't you dare say that. I'm so glad that you're here. Mattheo you're worth so much, and you mean a lot to me. Your Mother is proud of you, and so I am. I love you, okay?" My thumb grazes his cheekbone.

And then I see it. It wasn't much, but it was a single tear that rolled down his face, I quickly wipe it away, leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you." He said quietly back. He was showing me so much emotion, he was letting me in, opening up to me.

"I'm always going to be here for you." I say, brushing his hair out of his face.

He fiddles with the necklace he gave me that was back on my neck. "Don't throw it at me again."

I smiled. "Don't be an ass again."

He doesn't hesitate anymore, he closes the gap between us and presses his lips against mine. As always, they felt perfectly molded together.

How I've missed his lips on mine.

"I love everything about you." He murmured into the kiss, his finger twirling my hair.

I smile, letting his lips on mine again. Confused when he pulls away again, slowly running his thumb down my bottom lip.

"Let me show you how much I do," He speaks and I feel my body heating up.

Typical Mattheo, avoiding dealing with his feelings by sex or very hot make outs.

"No Mattheo, you just told me all those things and I—"

"I don't want to think about my past. I want to think about my present, right now." He interrupts.

"How are you not supposed to think about it after all of this?"

"Make me forget." He whispered, his fingers reaching the bottom of my shorts and scrunching it up so he could see my underwear.

"Mattheo I don't think this is a good idea right now... you're hurt and you just opened up to me."

He nips at my neck, placing kisses all over, moving to my jaw and making sure he doesn't miss a spot.

His lips make it up to my ear, "But I want you."



hope u enjoyed

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