78 | No Secrets

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" loving him was red "

My surroundings catch my eye, I slowly sit up to find myself in Mattheo's room, as the memories of last night flooded my mind.

I was alone in bed, and the sheets were tugged to the bottom of the mattress.

I attempt to stand, feeling the weakness traveling from my ankles up to my thighs.

I notice the bathroom light on, hopefully another mirror didn't end up broken...

To my luck, the door was unlocked, I open it and struggle to keep myself on my feet, last night was very intense.

He doesn't even turn his head to acknowledge me, he has his hands on both sides of the sink, his knuckles turning white from his grip, as he had his head up, he was staring into the mirror.

He was still shirtless, I notice the scratch marks on his shoulders from my nails digging into his skin, along with all the other scars that he had.

I come up behind him, slowly wrapping my arms around his bare waist from behind, his body was surprisingly hot, as if heat was radiating off of him.

His muscles tense as he feels my head rest against his back, my hands touching his abdomen in a hug.

He looks at me through the mirror, I stand on my tippy toes and place a kiss on his shoulder, just like he did to me last night before I crashed in his bed.

"No more secrets Mattheo. Please." I speak, my voice was quiet and weak, likely from screaming his name last night.

He doesn't say a word.

"If this keeps happening... the secrets.. you and I, it won't work. And I want to be with you, but I have to know you want that too."

He turns around slowly, looking down at me, his larger masculine hand cupping my cheek, "No more secrets."

I smile, I look over at the shower then back at him, "You mind?"

"Only if I can shower too." He whispered, my face heats up, Mattheo and I showering... together?

"You want to?" I ask.

"Mhm," He hums, leaning in closer to me, "Do you?" He asks while grazing his thumb against my bottom lip, pulling it down.

That's all I could focus on, "I do."

He grinned, removing his hands from me and turning on the shower.

"I like to be steaming hot." I add.

"Noted," He nodded, turning the handle so it was all the way on the hot side.

The mirrors started to get steamy, I watched him throw off his shirt and unbuckle his belt before his jeans were on the floor too.

"Do you need help with getting undressed?" He raises a brow, noticing that I haven't moved and I may have been drooling over him.

"Maybe." I tease.

He takes a step towards me, bending down to my level, "You're lucky, that you're so addicting." He whispered into my ear.

I don't say anything as he began to lift my shirt off with one hand, as his other hand glides up my locker back to unclasp my bra, then slowly placing his hand onto my bare waist.

My breath hitches and he hasn't even touched me, sexually at least.

He chuckles, I then realized he heard my thought, that is embarrassing.

"Shut up," I playfully hit his chest.

He slides my... well his sweatpants down that I was wearing that were way too big for me, they were practically about to fall down.

"I like you in my clothes."

"Mhm..." I hummed, watching him kneel and pulling down my underwear. Mattheo Riddle was on his knees in front of me, holy crap.

I cross my arms to my chest to cover my nakedness, until we were into the shower.

He grabs my arms, "I've already seen you naked Redhead.. and it gets better every time."

I roll my eyes, stepping into the hot shower. Hogwarts did not provide massive showers, so Mattheo and I were close together.

I turn around to grab the shampoo, facing him again and squeezing some out of the bottle.

I stand on my tippy toes and reach my fingers into his hair, scrubbing until the white suds appear.

I realize I had extra soap on my hand, taking the chance to run my hands down his chest where the soap followed.

He stands under the shower head, letting the soap run off of his head and dripping onto me.

His hand reaches the back of my neck, pulling my bare chest against his, letting my lips meet his in a deep kiss.

He tears his lips away from mine as he bites down on my lower lip, immediately attacking my neck, I gasp at the sudden feeling.

His hand meets the inside of my thigh, slowly sliding up as he continues to suck on the skin of my neck.

"No," I breathe out. His head lifts from my neck and his hands are off of me in seconds as he looks at me in concern.

"Did I do something?" He steps back to give me space, but I pull him back closer to me.

"I'm just sore, I can't do another round... you're rough when it comes to..."

"Sex?" He finished my sentence for me.

I nodded.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks, his hand running down my arm.

"No baby, I'm okay, I think you're just too good at it." I laugh, definitely boosting his ego.

"Mm, I know." He hummed in satisfaction.

Eventually we get out of the shower, we had to because we were in there so long that the water had went cold.

He slips on his black jeans as I steal his robe, I'm a Slytherin until I get back to my dorm to get my own robe.

He stares down at the ground as if he's stuck in his thoughts, I approach him, "You okay?"

"I'm sorry about everything." He says quietly.

"It's okay Mattheo, I told you that." I reassure him, my hand touching his bare waist.

I'm surprised as he brings me closer to him. Embracing me into a hug as his arms wrap around my lower back.

"I can't lose you too, Evelyn."

"You'll never lose me, Mattheo."



hope you enjoyed lolololol

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