76 | Selfish

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buckle up. LOTS OF DRAMA.

I need to get out this fucking class.

I hold my arm, containing myself from making any noise. I was likely on my Father's kill list, and using my mark against me was... deadly.

"Feeling okay back there, Mr. Riddle?" Professor Flitwick's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I only nod, watching him turn his attention back to the blackboard.

Evelyn looks at me with a worried expression on her face, then looks down at my hand death gripping my arm.

She reaches her hand to put it over mine but I lean back so she couldn't reach. She didn't need to know about this.

"What's wrong?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm fine, pay attention." I retort, taking my eye contact to the front board.

I stand from my chair, excusing myself and leaving the classroom. Enough time to try some spells to help the pain.

I finally let out the breath I was holding in for so long. My teeth gritting together as I pull up my sleeve to see my mark that was inflamed.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself, watching the mark move. There was no way I could hide myself or Evelyn from my Father.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Theodore's voice appears behind me. I turn around to face him, I didn't need any words when he saw the mark.

"Shit. That hasn't happened to mine." Theodore lifted his sleeve showing me his mark that was completely harmless.

"I can't do this to her Theodore." I say through gritted teeth. He looks at me in confusion, "What? What are you talking about?"

"My Father. He knows where I am. He won't stop coming for me and as long as she's with me she'll be in danger too." I tell him the truth. The truth that I wish I could change.

Theodore's jaw sharpens as he looks to the side. "So what's your plan then, hm? You're going to fucking abandon her again?"

My eyebrows furrow. "I thought you wanted this. I thought you wanted me to stay away from her."

He chuckles. "Merlin knows I want you the hell out of my sisters life. But it's her life not mine, and I've realized I can't protect her from you no matter how hard I try to. I don't trust you, I trust her. And somehow, she loves you. I don't know how she could ever— never mind. It doesn't matter about that. But I swear Mattheo, if you leave her again... I will hunt you down and fucking kill you, I don't care that you're stronger than me or more powerful. I will do whatever it takes. And you know how far I will go for my sister."

My hand comes in contact with his chest, pushing him back. "No. You don't realize how far I will go. I killed every single one of my Father's death eaters that was in that room the day Evelyn almost fucking died. Don't you get it? She came close to dying because of me, I'm not risking her life for us to be together."

He scoffs, "I fucking hate that your right. What do you need me to do?"

"Theodore I have to leave and never come back here. There's going to be a war very soon. People are going to die. If I'm not here she can be safe."

"No. Fuck your plan actually. You listen to me, you're going to stay right here until this war blows over, until it all goes down. Then, I want you to disappear from her life. I want you to leave and never come back. I want you to obliviate her mind from any memories or feelings she has for you." He spat, his words taking me by surprise.

"You want to erase her feelings for me?" I laughed, is he being fucking serious?


As if this day couldn't get any worse.

"Ev, it's not what you think..." Theodore starts, not that he got far.

"Really? It's not my brother and my boyfriend talking behind my back about erasing my fucking mind?!" She yelled at the both of us.

"Redhead..." I speak but she immediately looks at me, offended that I called her that.

"No, don't call me that. I trusted you, you said we were going through everything together. You said no more secrets." Her words hurt more than I thought.

She walks away from me as I follow her, I try to make her stop but she wouldn't budge.

"Evelyn please." I grab her arm, keeping my grip that she tried to yank out of.

"No get off of me! You're a liar, what else did you lie about? I mean— did you even mean what you said? Do you really love me?"

I frown at her words. "I do love you. I'm trying so fucking hard for you..."

"Really? You have a shitty way of showing it. How could you? Try to erase my feelings for you?" She pushes my chest back.

"I don't want to see you get hurt because of me. I can't. I can't do that to you."

"That isn't your decision to make! I'm risking everything to be with you and you... you just keep pushing me away!" She yells.

"I'm sorry. I thought it would be easier if—"

"You thought it would be easier for you. If I forgot about you, you could move on and be back to your asshole self. Mattheo you and I will never work if you keep lying to me or come up with these foolish plans to make me leave you!" She cuts me off, grabbing my face in her hands to make a point.

"I want to be with you. I want you. But my Father will come for you if he knows about us, which he already does because I risked everything to get you out of there. I can't watch you be killed because I'm selfish Evelyn."

"I would risk it to be with you."



ok hope u enjoyed 😘

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