30 | Happy Birthday

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"Happy birthday love!" Maggie jumps onto my bed, throwing pillows at me.

"Happy seventeenth." Hermione smiles, handing me a tray of pancakes, bacon, and apple juice.

"Breakfast in bed? My favorite." I sit it on my nightstand and immediately start on the bacon.

"It's your special day, we have everything planned. After breakfast, we're heading to Hogsmeade to meet up with a few friends and go shopping and then get lunch and then—"

"Slow down Maggie, the girl just woke up." Hermione interrupts.

I love having my birthday on a Saturday.

"This is so good. Thank you." I could die for the pancakes, I wish ten more stacks of them.

"My sister made everything, she's gotten into cooking and baking lately so she took up the offer." Maggie says.

"We'll tell Luna she's great at it, this is amazing."

"I don't mean to ruin the mood, but how are you feeling about everything that happened last week?" Hermione asked.

"Aww, Hermione we weren't supposed to speak of that!" Maggie whined.

"Maggs it's okay, I'm doing okay actually. I'm mainly worried about Theodore because the proof he had is ruined."

"Yeah he's pretty quiet, not his usual self when i talked to him." Maggie frowned.

"Shame on Riddle. He's a monster, how could he do that to someone? He purposely hurts you with a deadly spell and now he sets Theodore's room on fire over pictures? How does Professor Dumbledore not hear about these things?" Hermione questioned.

"I think he's scared to kick him out. It'll most likely start a war between the the Dark Lord and Hogwarts, he doesn't want that." Maggie explained.

"Has he talked to you since?"

"Riddle? No... I haven't seen him since the fire, he hasn't been in class either I'm not sure where he is, neither do I care." I answer.

"Okay okay, no more talking about him. Let's get you up!" Maggie grabs both of my hands and pulls me out of my very warm and comfy bed.

"There's people waiting on you! Get dressed." Maggie demanded, throwing me a dress.

I slip on the short blue dress, it was puffy and I thought it was adorable.

I put on my white shoes, hopefully it doesn't rain.

"Happy Birthday Evelyn." Harry smiled, Ron catching up to us and walking by our side, "Yeah Happy Birthday."

"Thanks boys, you're coming to Hogsmeade too, right?" I ask.

"Yeah we'll be there." Harry nodded.

"Sorry she doesn't want to speak to you!" I hear Maggie yell at someone.

"Come on. It's her birthday." I hear the familiar voice Maggie was yelling at.

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